Chapter 1 Part 2

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"Please exit plane you have arrived at your destination" ahh....what the? I get up and look around. Mr. bean was gone and so were most other people. "당신은 비행기를 종료 할 수 있습니다?" W-what the...why is she......"can you please exit the plane".....speaking in Korean. Hmmmm I dont look Korean do I?

"아, 데 (yes) " good thing i can speak Korean. She motioned for me to get off the plan, i grabbed my bag and followed. "우리는 어디에서? (Where am I?)" she looked at me funny.

"한국의 (Korea)" i couldnt help but laugh "ㅋㅋㅋ 아니, 난 아니에요 (lol no im not)"

The lady just shook her head and I walked down the stairs. I.....cant be in Korea.....can I?

If so, then both my mom and aunt will murder me. Now to figure out an escape plan. Mom, you are so wise, kind, and considerate for giving me $ 500. I'm pretty sure there should be one of those money training centers around here.

Franticly, I look around for one. A little farther off in the distance was a small building, that could be one...I guess.

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