He whisked his phone into his pocket, while finding his stash of valuables under his mattress and shoving the bills and other items into his pockets as well. He didn't dare forget his wallet (fake ID included). He pulled on his white boots, not caring to tie the laces. On his way out, he grabbed a few food items on the off chance he needed extra food. He then grabbed a blanket left on his couch, and immediately decided to book it. As he reached for the door handle, he heard a high pitched whine. ...shit.

Daniel had forgotten about his dog. He turned guiltily towards the pug, similarly to how a teenager would to their parents catching them sneaking out late. He sighed, looking around for a notepad. After he found one, he wrote a few words on it, pinned it to Toshi's collar, and bolted. Toshi returned to his former owner's room, the piece of paper that read "KEEP HIM SAFE FOR A WHILE" tucked through his collar. Daniel left hastily. He was aware he stayed longer than intended— he didn't forget to scold himself for that— so he had to be extra careful. He speedwalked down the hall, bag slung over his back- out of the corner of his attention, he heard something. It wasn't footsteps, it was a human voice. His father's.

"Honestly- I do not see why that boy cannot learn to respect his father."
He waited a moment, before talking again. Daniel assumed his father had an earpiece. He faintly smirked. He used to have one of those- he remembered other agents picking him up after missions, talking rapidly through them so Daniel could make his quickest escape. The earpieces worked sort of like tapped walkie talkies; with one, you could tune into anyone with one's conversations.
He was pretty sure he left his in his room, probably with his stash- wait. If he had it, his escape could be made much easier; more information of his father's worker's locations could definitely assist his sneaky breakaway. And, Daniel did dump the whole stash in his bag quickly, regardless of what was there, so it could be there for all he knew. Daniel heard footsteps now, coming closer. In fear, he tiptoed the opposite direction. He continued listening to his father's speil, Daniel starting to pull his bag out and forage through the smaller pockets.

"All I'm saying is that he is extremely overreacting."

Daniel paused his searching for a moment, but continued- quieter- to hear what his dad was saying. Is he saying i can get out of this scotch free..?

"...Of course, getting on the bad side of the paper- not once, but twice-  is definitely punishable. And paying the cops off? Not cheap. He should be sent to Super Guantanamo, good heavens, but- no, Phil- Yes, I'm aware he's my son. Y- ... Yes, yes I know- Phil, let me speak. I know everyone makes mistakes. I know there have been worse. But he has the public's attention on both of his only ever large field cases- shut up, let me talk- and I can't handle letting him out again. The expenses are too extreme, and I love the kid as much as I can, but he's absolutely not meant for field assignments. And we've put so much field training into him... honestly, Phil, I think at this point it's best to end his career and drop him off at the town. Maybe hit him with the purifier, give him a wife, baby, and backstory- maybe with that we can move on to bigger problems in the agency-"

Daniel heard it all in a haze. He started drifting when his father reported having paying off the cops, but the plan to reset him and drop him off with a fake family and fake life nearly knocked him off his feet. He felt nauseous, but it was a good thing he felt the small box for his personal earpiece in the corner of his bag. He turned it on and placed it in his ear, his nervousness making him want to rip it out. However, he listened as his father and varying agents reported their locations. Daniel, with the sparse energy he could muster, ran in the shadows to the nearest fire alarm and pulled it. Afterwards, he ran out through the fire escape, hood over his head to hide his distinguishable head of hair.

Instead of following the flood of half awake, angry residents, and confused, equally awake agents, he sneaked through the back alleys. He was sure there would be people there- even without the earpiece. Daniel would have to take a... different route. He disgustedly looked over to a garbage packed alley. No one would be down there, guarantee. It would probably be his only way out. Scowling, he moved with a stealthy slink through the thick packed rubbish, dodging as much liquid or moist waste he could. Maneuvering through stacks of bags of trash, he heard another agent nearby. He stopped.

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