||-|| (there is smut in this little bit)

Roger comes back to the room at around eleven thirty, quietly pushing the door open and he squints towards the bed to see the person like shape under the covers.

He'd returned to see if Rebecca was up to see if she wanted to go to the after party together but she was still fast asleep.

He couldn't wake her.

And since they've hardly any time together, he decides to blow the whole thing off and stay here with her instead - even if she is sleeping.

He silently moves around the room, taking off his stupid dress shirt that Freddie demanded he put on after the show and tossing it onto a chair before he digs his cigarettes from his pocket and heads for the balcony, picking up one of the miniature bottles of wine that she'd obviously taken out of the small fridge.

The cool breeze hitting her face from the open doors is what makes Rebecca stir, her eyes fluttering open to a dark room and for a second, she thinks someone may have possibly climbed in through the balcony doors but then she sees Roger leaning up against the railing and she relaxes, sitting up to run a hand through her hair.

Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, she sees that it's eleven 45, considerably early in the evening. Well, by Roger's standards it is and she gets up, tiptoeing over to the door, where she leans against the frame and just looks at him.

She knows that smoking is bad for him and she should try and get him to stop but god, he just looks so good doing it and unable to wait any more, she steps out onto the balcony, making sure to tie her dressing gown shut against the chilly air.

He doesn't startle when she wraps her arms around his torso, resting her head on his back between his shoulders though he does shiver when she presses a kiss to his skin.

She's soft and still warm from sleep and he takes one final drag of his cigarette before tossing it off of the balcony and resting his hands on top of hers.

"Hi," she murmurs, "Thought you'd be out later."

"Couldn't be arsed. And I missed you, didn't I?"

"Sap," she teased, stepping back slightly so he can turn to look at her and immediately, his eyes move down to what she's wearing and she sees his tongue flick over his lips.

"Hope you're wearing something under that," he says, reaching out a hand to take a peek and she jumps away from him.

Rebecca gets an idea and moves her hand to where the tie is, looking up at him briefly to see that his eyes are glued to her hand.

"Come on, Bex," he says, voice husky, "Don't be a tease."

"Maybe you should come see," she grins and pulls gently at the tie.

He steps forward, making her step back and a grin matches hers when he does it again, she does the same.

Rebecca smirks, the two of them having a standoff and there's a brief moment of complete and utter silence.

It's been a while since they've done this. Sure, there's been some heavy petting in the back of cars on their way back from pubs and clubs but they're always interrupted. But not tonight. Not this time.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora