Chapter 2: Up All Night

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The next few days were a blur for me. I did nothing but sit in front of my computer and consume as much information about Liam, Harry, Louis, Niall, and Zayn as I could. 

Courtney constantly asked me to hang out, but I would make the most idiotic responses as to why I couldn't. I really wanted to see her, but I knew that she would judge me for my "One Direction Infection." Finally, I thought of a plan that was fool proof.. buy the CD

The next day I woke up early and texted Courtney that we should go out to lunch together since it had been nearly 2 weeks since I last saw her, and since 5 boys took over my social life.

 Once she had agreed to meet me somewhere, I knew this was the time I needed to 'break the news to her.'

I drove to the nearest Target, I was getting so excited to finally be able to drive and hear 1D at the same time. I walked in the automatic doors, and headed straight to the back of the store.

It had been almost a year since I had even bought a CD. Using iPod's in cars is way more convenient anyways, but I just needed the real thing.

I walked up and down the aisles looking for their faces on the album. While I was in the 'O' section, I frantically searched and searched for them. Beginning to lose all hope, I went to the next aisle, and wah-la, there was the CD! 

"Up All Night," I finally held it in my hands, what an amazing feeling.

As soon as I got into my car, I ripped all the plastic off of the case as fast as I possibly could. Anxiously, I shoved it into my CD player. Track 1- What Makes You Beautiful. I have been waiting for this moment for a few weeks.

Their voices overtook my small cars speaker system. I turned the volume up to full blast, rolled down my windows, and felt carefree as ever.

'Where r u?' popped up on my phone, a text from Courtney. I hadn't even realized that I had been sitting in my car for nearly 15 minutes while she waited at her home for me.

'On my way' I replied.

Half an hour later I pulled into her driveway. I had shut the music off because I had a plan. I would have to pull a sneak attack on Courtney. She was a person more into Lil Wayne and Tyga.. not some 'stupid boyband' is what she would call it.

She got into my car with a grin on her face. "Where the hell have you been?! I haven't seen you in weeks, what the fuck?'' That was typical Courtney, she would say rude things but always meant them in a joking manner.

"Sorry, I uh, I've been busy with work and college stuff." I was a terrible liar, I knew she would be able to see right through it.

"Oh, okay... Well where should we eat then?" Phew, she totally wasn't on to me at all.

"I'm feeling some TGI Friday's. Sound good?" I asked.

"Hell yeah, I could sure go for some potato skins right now!" With her reply, we were on our way.

After about 2 miles down the road, something popped into my head. 'Kandice, Courtney is your best friend. She isn't going to just abandon your friendship just because you like a boyband. Who cares if she doesn't like them, they make you happy and thats all that matters.'  Sometimes I do some of my best thinking while I'm driving.

With that, I pressed the play button on my radio, ready for what Courtney had to say.

"You're insecure, don't know what for, you're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or," played through my speakers. 

It was weird, the song got all the way through to Harry's solo, and Courtney had not even said one word. She calmly tapped her foot to the beat and had her arm hanging out the window. If I hadn't known any better, it seemed as if she liked it.. or was enjoying it even.

Seconds later I paused it so I could talk to her. But, surprisingly she started talking first.

"I have to tell you something" She said with a humble tone.

"Sure, you know you can tell me anything, Courtney." I had no idea what she was about to tell me. It could be anything really.

"Please don't judge me Kandice, but I, I really want to see these guys in concert." She looked out the window, like she was ashamed that those words had left her mouth.

"Courtney?! Why didn't you say something?! The truth is, I haven't stopped listening to them since the last time I saw you."

"What the hell?! Ever since you had played the song in the car a few weeks ago, I've been going insane,

We both looked at each other in amazement, like neither of us could believe what we just said. That look that we both exchanged would change our lives in more ways then one.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2012 ⏰

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