HUBBY💙💍 ; Truu ! Why up so early ?

Me ; Brielle texted me and told me to come over ,

HUBBY💙💍 ; Oh okay ! Give her my love ,

Me ; Yeaa , yeaa !

HUBBY💙💍 ; So umm , you got a doctor's appt. this evening .

Me ; I know !

HUBBY💙💍 ; *sighs* Okay. Be home by 2 !

Me ; *laughs a little* Yes Sir !

HUBBY💙💍 ; Bye baby , I love you .

Me ; I love you too !


After I hung up , I got my purse and keys and headed out to my car. Once I finally got in I cranked up the car and headed to Brielle's house. 25 minutes later I made it there and hopped out , knocking on the door.

Brielle ; *opens the door smiling and...GLOWING!* Hey come on in !

Me ; *walks in and sits on the couch* So whats up?

Brielle ; Well...I remember.

Me ; You remember what?


Me ; How!?

Brielle ; I was looking through a bunch of scrapbooks and it all came back to me ,

Me ; *jumps up and hugs her* That is great! *pulls back* Wait that dosent explain why your glowing !

Brielle ; *smiles and sits down* Well , Ray kinda showed me how happy he was last night !

Me ; *bursts out laughing* Wow !

Brielle ; Yea it was , WOW !

Me ; *laughs* Speaking of Ray where is he?

Brielle ; He's in the shower.

Me ; Ahhh. *leans into the couch* What are yall gonna do today?

Brielle ; Uhh to tell you the truth , I have no clue.

Me ; Uhh , okay ?

Brielle ; You ?

Me ; Doctor's appt !

Brielle ; *smiles* Funn ?

Me ; *shrugs* I guess !

Brielle ; So , *sits back on the couch* got any baby names yet ?

Me ; *nods&smirks* Boy , he's a junior and a girl , Autumyn .

Brielle ; *smiles from ear to ear* Really ?

Me ; *nods*

Brielle ; *gets up and dances around* YAYAYAYAY !

Me ; *laughs a little* And her middle name is Brielle !

Brielle ; *sheds happy tears* I love you sooo much ! *bear hugs me*

Me ; *smiles* I love you soo much more !

The baby must've liked the idea cause she(shhh , I know the sex of the baby .. BUUT Roc doesn't ;D)shole' kicking the hell out of me !

Brielle ; *rubs my belly* I take it your a girl then !

Me ; *laughs*

A little later we say our goodbyes and I head back home.


Yesterday we decided to fly back to our home state and visit our families. Before I got my day started , I had a long conversation with Brielle and I'm REAALLY happy she remembers me ! Anywhoree , I decided to take Asia to see my parents since they haven't seen her in awhile. I dressed her down in a purple Hello Kitty tee , khaki shorts , and purple Sandals THEEN dressing myself in a peach floral top , white shorts , and white sandals. Walking downstairs I grab the keys to the rental car and kiss Prod goodbye. He told me he was taking his nephews out for a day of fun and I thought it was a great idea. After strapping Asia in , I crunk the ignition up and drove out of the driveway , heading straight for my parent's home. I had a eerie feeling that Asia was hungry and I'm positive my mom didn't cook , so I pulled into the nearest McDonald's and got Asia out. She grabbed my hand and I led her inside . While standing in the line , someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to meet the face of a guy about 6'4 with dark brown eyes. His hair was low and curly and he had a smile that could light up this whole town .

?? ; Excuse me . Are you Sabree Jones ?

Me ; *nods* Yes , how can I help you ?

?? ; You don't remember me ?

Me ; *raises an eyebrow* I'm afraid I don't .

?? ; It's me Daniel .

My eyes grew wide and my heart fell. I swooped Asia up into my arms and quickly walked out to the car. Strapping her in , I speed off towards my parent's house. After about 35 minutes of driving , Asia broke the silence .

Asia ; Mommy ?

Me ; Yes baby ?

Asia ; Who was that ?

My eyes began to water and my voice begins to shake .

Me ; *silently speaks* Your father .

TBC😢❤ ..

I'm gonna TRY to start updating this one more , buuuut I hope you guys enjoyed . Annnd sorry it was so short ):

- 💋✨🇬🇧 .

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