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Steve has his hand guarded against his face to ward off the camera flashes of paparazzi. The Stark tower's door was just a few feet away from him, but the people crowding Steve makes it difficult for him to walk. Several people were talking at once, but all their words blurred together in Steve's ears.

Steve feels the air thinning around him. The paparazzi was getting too close for comfort. Steve asked as politely as possible for everyone to give him space, but instead, they shoved their microphones up to his mouth, begging for a statement. Steve knew what the firing question was, it has been asked for weeks.

"Are you and Tony Stark dating?"

Steve, like many times before, didn't give an answer. Paparazzi didn't relent easily. Instead, they hounded him for weeks on end. Steve sped up his steps until he made it the front door where legally, the people weren't allowed to follow him in.

Steve walked into Stark Tower. Several employees greeted him and he tried his best to be polite and greet them back, but too much was on his mind to really care. He decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator to give himself time to think. Five minutes later, he was standing at Tony's office door.

Steve balls his fingers into a fist and knocks on Tony's door. Deep breaths escape his lips as his eyes stayed on the floor. His phone is buzzing in his pocket, but Steve knows not to look at it. All there was were missed calls from Fury and interviewers who wanted him to come on their show to address the rumors.

There was a finger snap in front of Steve's face that snaps him out of his thoughts. He looks up and sees Tony's face in front of his, trying to read Steve's facial expression.

"Damn, Steve," Tony shakes his head. "I've been trying to get your attention for an hour now," He says with a smile on his lips, but it quickly fades when he saw how serious Steve was looking.

"We need to talk, Tony," Steve cuts in.

He passes Tony and walks into the office. The crowd of paparazzi can be heard even twenty floors up. The sound of chattering makes Steve uneasy.

"Oh God, who's suing me now?" Tony jokes. But Steve doesn't smile.

"You know why I'm here. Everyone has been breathing down my neck for days now," Steve says with his arms crossed.

Tony rolls his eyes and closes his office door. His brown eyes drift to Steve who is pacing around the room. Tony has seen him do that lots of times before. He knows Steve is worried. A sigh leaves his lips as he walks to the blonde.

Tony walks behind Steve who is standing in the middle of the room with his hand rested on his hip. Tony wraps his arms around Steve's waist, pulling Steve's back against his chest.

"Why don't we just tell them?" Tony asks.

Steve rubs the palm of his hand against Tony's arm and feels Tony lay his head against his back. Steve lets out a soft sigh and turns his head to the side to get a glimpse of Tony's face, his brown eyes now shut with contentment. The view brings a smile to Steve's face, but the question that Tony asks weighs heavy on his mind.

"It's just..." Steve starts to speak, but can't find the right words. A soft kiss on his back from Tony encourages him to continue. "Social media is where relationships go to die. People intervene and the relationship is no longer us two, but the whole world. I'm just...scared."

Tony's hand wander underneath Steve's shirt and he slowly rubs his fingers in a circular motion in an almost hypnotizing sensation. The feeling makes Steve close his eyes in relaxation.

"Steve, we are always going to get media attention. I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're dating a super famous person," The comment earns him a jab from Steve's elbow. "But, you never have to worry about anyone or anything coming between us."

"Promise?" Steve asks.

"Promise," Tony says.

Steve slowly unravels Tony's arm from around his waist and grabs Tony's hand in his. Tony doesn't question him as Steve leads them towards the large window. Steve opens the curtains wide, revealing the chattering paparazzi and screaming fans.

It only took a few seconds before the crowd noticed them. All their cameras pointed up at them. Waiting for proof of them being in a relationship.

It was time.

Steve turns his body to Tony's. Softly, Steve cups Tony's face in the palm of his hands. Tony's eyes drift up to stare into Steve's and they both share knowing smiles.

Slowly, Steve leans his head down and presses his lips to Tony's soft ones in a gentle kiss. Tony reaches his hand up and runs his fingers through Steve's blonde strands of hair. Tony could feel Steve tighten an arm around his waist and pull him closer until their bodies touch.

Screams of fans and cameras shuttering cam be heard below them. Their phones are ringing nonstop from tv show host and Shield who want to talk about their relationship. But Steve and Tony don't care.

It's just them.

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