The First day of school

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The first day of school

On the first day in Blackwell, Max was getting excited for her first day of classes. Max wore her grey sweater, pink jane shirt, jean, and her black converse shoes. After getting dressed, she takes her bag and camera, but at the same time....

She looked at the bandana that as she has a memory about a boy. She began to visualize in her head when holding a mysterious boy's bandana. "This bandana is very special to me when a boy saved me. Sadly, I forget his name... I wish that I want to see him again... "Max said in a light tone. She put back the bandana in the "save place" and left the room.


A boy woke up in his room and getting nervous for his first day. At the same time, he is getting excited about his art and science class. "Okay, Warren. Just relax for your first day in class," Warren said in his mind. Warren put on the Axe deodorant before getting dressed up. He wore his grey shirt, jeans, jean jacket, and his black van shoes. He got his sketchbook and tools for his art class. He takes his bag and left the room...

After he leaves the dorm, he sees Logan and Zachary playing football, but he tired avoid them as they bully him since first arriving. Sometimes, Warren did stand up for himself as he remembers that doing a prank on them. He never fights them as he doesn't want to make problems.

On the class, they both have a photography class with the same teacher, Mr. Jefferson. They both sit next to each other, but they don't know each other. Warren looked at the girl who sits next to her while she not looking. "That's girl... she is so cute... I hope that I do not creep her out or otherwise, it will be my first embarrassing moment in Blackwell. He put his down and relax until the teacher shows up. While heading down, Max glance at a boy who sits next to her. "Huh. I see a classmate sleeping on his first day. I bet he didn't sleep well."

When a teacher showed up in class, Warren woke up and see his teacher. Jefferson announced," Hello, class. I'm Mr. Jefferson. I'll be your teacher for photography. Now... Before we started, I want to you all stand up please... and gather up."

All students obey as standing up and gathering up. Max and Warren stand next to each other with their classmate. As they all are gathering up, Mark Jefferson take out his camera and took the photo. After that, Jefferson took out the picture and show it to the class.

When Warren sees the photo, he looked cool and a dork at the same time. Max see the photo and felt the same way as Warren. They bump to each other when reaching their seats. When they looked at each other, Max was glazed at him as he looks recognizable and good-looking at the same time. "Oops. Sorry, I'd bump into you," Warren apologized. Max was zoned out as she tries to remember his face, but she forgets. "That's... okay" Max shy smiled. So, they returned their assigned seats and get ready for roll calls. So, Jefferson says their name including Max until she heard the name, Warren. She quickly glares at him as she began to have memories. "What do I starting to know this name. I mean- Come on, Max. I should take it easy for now," Max comment in her mind.

When the bell rang, Warren packs his bag and commented in his mind," This is just great. Just fucking great. Now, I have to pay that damn camera. I'm no photographer. I'm just a guy who enjoyed drawing.... Well, I guess... I have to get a cheap camera." At the same time, Max enjoyed the class so far. "I starting to like this class. I believe that my teacher is a famous photographer. He's definitely inspired me." She looked at the boy who left the class. "Huh, this guy... I swear... my mind kept telling me that it's him. Well, he looked cute and young at all, but he can't be a boy who saves me since kids," Max said in her mind.

Warren walked the hallway and went to the locker. He thinks about a girl who bumps into her while taking out his sketchbook for the next class. "I can't believe it... I just bump into a girl who is in photography class. A girl with freckles... she looked so beautiful with blue eyes. Too bad that she only be in this class. Oh well."

When arriving on drawing class, Warren sat in the front and ready for the starting. As the class began, he began to do the assignment as sketching the vases, clothing, and apples. He really enjoys drawing so much. The teacher was impressed with Warren's drawing. However, he sees his teacher went up to the same girl. Warren was wide-eyed," What the fuck... there is the same girl who has the same class as me... At least, I can see her again..." Warren said in mind and returned to do his assignment.

After the teacher help Max's assignment, Max glared and smile at the boy again. "There is the same guy again. I did a good drawing, but I need to improve in shading... I bet he can tutor me if I have a gut to talk to him. I'll admit it... His drawing is very realistic. If I were asking him out, I bet he thinks that I'm an unattractive girl who has small breasts and skinny body. But still, he looked similar... I just... have to remember his face."

After classes finished, Warren and Max went back to their dorm at the same time. When reaching the dorm, Logan and Zachary blocked Warren in the entrance. "Well, Well, Well. What do you think you going, Gayram?" Logan insulted while Zachary laughed. Max watched the scene between Warren and Logan. "Buddy, I got no time for this bullshit," Warren tries to enter, but Zachary blocks him. He didn't waste time with them, but he shoved him. The two want to fight with Warren, but Max decided to step up. "Hey, why do you jerks leave him alone?" Max gave them stink eye.

Logan and Zachary laughed at her," What are going to do about it, little girl?" Zachary insulted her.

"I'll make you regret that," Max threaten them. "You'll see." Warren was impressed. "Guys, we're late." a voice heard. A boy walks out of the dorm and it turned out to be Nathan Prescott. He turned at Warren and gave them a nasty look. "Well, look we have here" Nathan crossed his arms. "Hello, Gayram. The one who did a prank on us."

"Whatever, Precock. Keep blaming on me all you want. No one will believe you," Warren talkback. "Besides, do you want any proof? Hm? No, you don't." Nathan has enough of this bullshit. "You know! Fuck you, Gayram!! I owned this shit even your room!!! One day, I will beat the shit out of you!!! For right now-" Nathan turned at Max and then look back at Warren. "For now, you even lucky that she saved your ass. Even saving her ass as well."

"We'll see. I'll be ready." Warren confronted Nathan. So, Nathan and his friends left this moment. Warren turned to Max," Wow, That's -" Max cut him off. "I know... these jerks... ugh"

This is their first time to talk to each other, but they knew each other. It just that they don't remember each other. They began to stare at each other. "Uh... Thanks for helping me there" Warren thanks her which made her cheek glow red. "You're welcome... Uh. I'm Max by the way." Warren smiled," I'm Warren Graham. Great to meet you. I noticed that you're in the same class with me today."

Max blushed, "Yeah... I was going to say that as well." They became awkward silent. "Well, It's nice to meet you. I'll see you around, Max. "Warren smiled. Max smiled and said, Sure, I'll see you around." So, they left and went to their dorm.

Max's room
"Warren, that is a cute name. Do I think it's him? This is so hard for me since I lost the picture of the camp. I guess it's not... Maybe I should take it easy for now. I'm glad I help him, but that Nathan guy will hurt him. Maybe, I should help Warren. Why not? I just... don't want to see him suffer for his senior year," Max comment.

Warren's room
"Man, What a day. That's the son of the bitch will beat the shit out of me. If he wants a fight, I'll try my best to stop, but it's pointless. That's girl... she is cute. I'll admit it, but I will take it slow if I want to get to know her. I can't let her get involved the fight between me and Nathan," Warren said in his mind, playing his guitar.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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