Hallow (No Ship)

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(A/N: Welcome to the first chapter/oneshot to kick this book off. Enjoy!) This does include slight spoilers from my story 'Baby, You're dead to me.' so fair warning.)

Warnings: Mentions of Blood, numbness, medication mention.


¤ ¤ ¤

Brian stared himself down in the bathroom mirror, knowing something was wrong in his deep brown eyes. He wasn't oblivious to how his mindset was changing ever since his encounter with Him. He hadn't spoken a word to Tim or Alex but he feared if he didn't tell anyone soon, they would get suspicious of his odd behavior. Brian gave a long sigh, stopping the staring contest between himself as he looked down at the sink, looking at the crimson blood in it. He had been coughing just a few moments ago and luckily only coughed up a bit of blood.

He turned on the sink, washing the blood out with a tired yawn. He had noticed his sleeping schedule had begun to change greatly, staying up for days to weeks on end and his eating habits weren't any better but at least he was still in control of his mindset and body. His movements had become slow and all he wanted to do was sleep, be in the woods and be left alone but Tim was constantly around and he couldn't bring himself to tell Tim what was happening. He hadn't realized that he had slightly dozed off while standing until he heard a ping from his phone in his pocket, knowing the text probably was from Tim or Alex asking about filming. He ran a hand over his face and pushed his hair back, giving himself one more look in the eyes before shutting off the sink and walking out the bathroom, heading to the living room and sitting on the couch.

Brian pulled the device out of his pocket, looking at who could of texted him at one in the morning. Surprisingly enough, it was Tim.

Tim: Hey. You up?

Brian hovered his fingers over the words on the digital keyboard before texting back.

Brian: Yeah What's up?

Tim: Just lonely I guess

Brian: huh
Brian: Relatable really

Tim: Are you alright?

He nearly broke right there, wanting to pour his worry out in words to his best friend but, he couldn't. He couldn't worry Tim at such a time right now, knowing the other was in a rough spot in his life and the last thing he could deal with was him. He typed a response that left an empty feeling in his heart.

Brian: Everything is fine.

Brian: What about you? Are you ok?

Tim: Same old stuff I guess. Nothing new

Brian: Alex bothering you?

Tim: Well, he's just gifted to constantly annoy me

Tim: Its my meds I guess

Tim: They haven't been working a lot lately

Brian bit his lip at that response. That could be very very bad for Tim and everyone else, including himself. He had seen Tim off his medication and boy, it wasn't fun for anyone and the other male had gotten quite aggressive. He quickly texted back.

Brian: Is there anything I can do to help?

Tim: Avoid me for now

Tim: I'd rather not hurt you like last time

He hesitated again, knowing his friend was serious with his words but he couldn't just let him suffer. A sudden migraine struck, causing him to shut his eyes tightly and rest his head in his hands, allowing his phone to shut off for a moment. He opened his eyes, his vision swimming as he tried to fight through the horrible migraine mixed in with his tiredness. He closed his eyes again, sitting like that for awhile until sleep finally claimed him once the clock had turned to around two in the morning.

¤ ¤ ¤

I don't speak,

Brian was up around eight in the morning, sitting with many of his other film creators but he wasn't fully there. They were busy, planning certain things and taking test shots of the filming ground while he sat there silently, staring at the wooded table while he let his focus slip and didn't pay attention to much of anything.

Nobody is listening.

Brian glanced up at the others and saw Alex being frustrated, arguing with Seth. Should he stop them? Probably. Did he want to? Not really. His voice didn't matter in this situation and he didn't have time to waste his voice on something that didn't make sense. He was still very tired.

It's not safe to seek the attention.

He looked at Jay, who was quietly sitting with his camera and going over the scripts. He feared to speak of what was happening but he needed to and now before things could get worse. But, should he? Was it safe to do this? He was always one to live a little on the dangerous side but, whatever was wrong with him was far past the dangerous line.

I won't sink.

I won't wallow.

And the stream, that I have barrowed.

So, don't lead.

Brian got to his feet, walking over to Jay. This was it. He had to tell someone. He couldn't handle this burning and awakening feeling in his chest and mind that tortured him day and night. He sat down across from Jay. "Hey, we need to talk." Jay looked up from the script he was working on, raising an eyebrow. "What's up?" Brian looked back at Alex, seeing him and the others walking off to go look at some other thing.

I won't follow.

Brian looked back at Jay. "It's something mental. It's dangerous and.." He paused, realizing how stupid this was going to sound. He continued anyhow, "I don't exactly know who or what it is, to be honest. I really had an encounter with something and it changed me." He tapped his fingers on the table, glancing at Jay. Jay seemed interested yet slightly paranoid. "Huh. When did this all start?" Brian felt the weight lift off his chest that he didn't sound that nuts, "Two weeks ago maybe? I'm not sure. My memory is pretty fuzzy." Jay seemed in thought before speaking, "And you said it changed you? Like how Tim was changed?" Brian gave a nod, listening to the other speak. Jay bit his lip for a moment before looking away. "Well, there isn't much I can do..but, if you need anything, let me know."

There is no sense in waiting tomorrow.

Brian felt hesitant as he said these last few words. "Promise me something, Jay. Promise me if I hurt Tim or if I hurt you, you will do anything in your power to stop me." Jay quickly looked at the other, his eyes slightly wide since he knew what he meant. Brian gave him a nervous smile. "Please." Jay's shoulders relaxed a bit with a long sigh from the smaller male. "I..promise. I'll do anything I can to stop you."

Because I'm HALLOW.



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