Hayato Shinomiya is found

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Shinomiya signed. 

"I've already told you everything you needed to know," Shinjiro said regarding the conversation they had a few months ago. Shinjiro did tell Shinomiya everything that he had to do what he had to overcome, it was all just a test or more of strength just how far a human can break and what that meant to be broken. Nevertheless, it shaped Shinomiya into a stronger person. Shinjiro isn't a real person but more of an institution. And Shinomiya had to face the fact that his body was only creating a being like of Shinjiro just to cope with the stress and trauma. 

"Well if you have to go, I guess it's for the best," Shinomiya said. 

"There isn't enough room inside you small brain of yours for two of us," Shinjiro said with a smile, "Besides your getting to big for me anyway," 

Shinomiya looked at himself and saw he was not that 15 yr old kid he once knew. HE had shaped into that 17 yr old young man and will continue to grow. 

  "Well, See you later,"Shinjiro said with a smile as the image had vanished like dust in the wind. 

When Shinomiya came to, he sat up from the therapy session turn to Dr. Henney and uttered, "Shinjiro's gone," 


It was a few weeks since Shinjiro had left for good, but it was time to review the data regarding Shinomiya's mental health.

"Shinomiya had shown stability and his continuing to grow as a person. He is aware of the actions and understands his consequences. Shinomiya is not in any way a threat or a danger to himself or others, I have high hopes for Shinomiya to regain a normal livelihood," Dr. HEnney has addressed. 

"Very well, he shall contuie with the thearpy session as needed. He had completed community service and also has volunteered for young teens and children how to have dealt with similar situations," The judge said," I'm expecting great things from him,"


Within a few months, Shinomiya was able to complete hs high school degree online as well as publish a book regarding his traumatic experience. Within a year his book has gone sky rocket and was made into a film,  to where Shinomiya was the director, along with Riku his productor.

In his early 20's Shinomiya found a calling, a calling to tell the stories of what had kept him hidden and way. Not only did he told his very own story of his kidnapping. His volunteer work at the group of young teens had spotlighted a dramatic TV reality show exposing the truth behind kidnapping as well as showcasing a the criminals faces on TV who are yet to be still at large. His success has spread into Hollywood where he was on tv show host and basically talking about his experience like the next Elizabeth Smart. 

He was on Keora news, CCN, Nationally on every channel. More famous then what he wanted to be but his presence was needed. He could finally be the voice for those who don't.

"Dou you think you're making a difference in the world?" Anchorman Jun-Hyung Boa on "Keora Lives" asked during Shinomiya's interview.

"As much as I hope to inspire and raise awareness, there are still so many young people around the world who are stuck with their kidnapper as of right now. They could be sold, used as a drug mule, used for sex, the list just keeps growing. But I hope to stop this at all cost. My colleges and I are in the middle of trying to get laws passed for those who abuse the laws and what punishment they will undergo for kidnapping accounts," Shinomiya said as the crowd applause passionately. 

"Wow, What an honor to have you on the show, Hayato Shinomya's book is being sold all around the world, get your copy today!" Jun-Hyung Boa smiled for the camera as the tv flickered off.


The gang was reunited by sunshine and fun at the beach taking pictures was a blast and including a few friendly new faces to join in on the fun; Shinomiya, Igarashi, Mutsumi, Nishina, Nanashima, Serinuma, and including Riku satoshi. Everyone was proud of Shinomiya and all his accomplishments but no one was more proud than his own parents. 

Just like any good deed, Shinomiya found new meaning in his experience. 

"One's one thing you can say proudly about your traumatic experiences?" A cameraman once asked Shinomiya while filming him going through papers of scripts. Shinomiya paused to look up at the camera as he said it.

"Sometimes bad things happen and despite the terrible and awful thing, something good might just come of it. I'll never give up on hope," Shinomiya said. 



I am done im sorry its not as good as id hope for but im done im jacked up on pills since my wisdom teeth and i just dont want to drag this on anymore i hope you all enjoy! Meow out!

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