Chapter 2

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A regular beeping noise beside her was the first thing Karen noticed when she woke up. She scanned the room, still half asleep. It didn't last long until she remembered what happened tho and panic started to rise again within her.

"You're safe!" She felt a hand on her shoulder as she looked where the familiar voice came from.

"Elastigirl." Karen managed to calm herself and tried to sit up. The super wasn't in her suit tho, she wore her normal street clothes. "What happened?"

Helen seemed to be worried as she kept staring at her. "You got hit by a flying bus. You're in the hospital."

Karen looked down at her bandaged hand. She felt a little dizzy from the pain killers the doctors put her on. "A flying bus?"

"Yes." Helen scooted closer to her. "Do you remember what happened?"

"No..I only know I was-" She quickly stopped herself and cleared her throat. "I only know I saw yo- Elastigirl when I woke up." Karen tried to save herself quickly but by the look of Helens face she wasn't really buying it.

"Elastigirl?" She started to whisper. "How do you know I'm Elastigirl?"

Karen wanted to facepalm herself. She pulled the blanket away and freed herself from the monitor. "I have to go." Her knees were a bit wobbly but she managed to get up, if only there wasn't Helen blocking her way.

"I can't let you go anywhere until you answer my questions." Her hands supported the tall girl in front of her. "I know you have a secret as well..theres no way a normal human could've survived the impact of the bus." She spoke low, making sure no one heard her.

Having Helen this close let Karen's body quiver inside and her fangirl self rise. "Can we get out of here first? I really need to." She had no idea what kind of impact it would have to everyone if she would be staying in this time for this long.

She grabbed the clothes from the nearby chair which seemed to be hers. "Can you...uhm turn around?"

"Oh yea, sure." Helen turned around quickly, chuckling at the girls reaction. "I'm not really shy about that. I'm a cheerleader."

Karen put on her jeans before she got rid off her hospital gown. "I know." She tried to button up her shirt, earning a confused glare from Helen.

"You really start to scare me."

Blue eyes met brown ones and Karen had to chuckle. "Im sorry, I will tell you everything." To be honest Karen had no idea how to make up an excuse for her slip and hoped it would be easier to shut her mouth while being around her favorite super.

"Let's start with your name." Helen turned around to help her with her shirt.

"Karen." The tall girl watched her, a bright smile on her lips. "Karen Fields. Thank you."

Silence fell over the couple and they just stared at each other for a few seconds. "Let's go." Helen was the first one to speak up, guiding them both outside.

"Tell me, Karen-" The super shot her a small smirk. "Are you just a stalker or are you one of these secret agents?"

Karen furrowed her brows before she started to laugh. "Oh no! No I'm not anyone important...I just...I'm started at your school this week."

"You did?"

"Yea..I heard a lot about you. Only good things of course!"

"Of course." Helen was amused by her words. "I don't think I've seen you before. I would've remembered your hair."

"My hair? Oh!" Karen nodded as it dawned her.

"Yes." The girl stopped in front of her suddenly and reached out to stroke her hair. "I like it, a lot."

"You do?" Her heart fluttered at the touch. "Thank you." If she wasn't a mess before she definitely felt like her emotions were all over the place by now.

A rumbling Interrupted their moment.

"Sorry." Karen mumbled and held her stomach.


"Like a bear."

"Come on." Helen grabbed her healthy hand. "I could need something as well. I have a place I love to eat at."

Karen followed her, a grin on her lips. It was like her first meeting with Elastigirl all over again. Only that she wasn't the young fangirl right now who flipped out about her life long idol. 
She felt like she was on the same page with Helen.

In her own time she didn't have a lot of opportunities to talk to Helen yet. With Elastigirl being one of the high supers it was hard to get any alone time with her. She also had her family to take care of as well.

Karen wasn't exactly the most secure person either and always felt like she would annoy her idol whenever she was bold enough to talk to her.

Helen lead them into a small dinner, sitting down in the back booth.

The wannabe recognised the dinner from her own time. Only that it stood empty for a few years already ever since it closed.

"You come here often?" Karens eyes roamed over the teenagers who were sitting around the counter, laughing loudly.

"Sometimes." Helen offered her a warm smile. "Now about earlier-"

"Right." She shifted in her seat as her eyes met the other girls. "I'm not exactly normal..."

"I already guessed that. No normal human knows my alter ego. Whats your power?" Helen tilted her head curiously.

Karens gaze fell down on the table, she didnt want to lie to her. "I teleport things."

The girl sat up further, starting to get excited. "Thats amazing!" She quickly put her hand over her mouth to silence herself.

A few of the other teens glanced over at them but Helen didnt really seem to care.

Karen on the other hand felt like she was floating in the seventh heaven. She never had anyone reacting like this when they found out about her powers.

"It's okay, I guess." Karen shrugged her shoulders but Helen wouldn't calm down about it. She grabbed Karens hand happily. "I never met anyone like you at my school. I hope we will be good friends." Her fingers traced over her skin, gently stroking it.

Karen looked down and started to blush. "I guess?" She pulled her hand away slowly, letting it run through her electric blue hair. She couldn't break Helens heart and tell her she actually didn't belong here. The smile on her lips and all of her excitement was too adorable. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Helen's eyes were focused on the menu in front of her.

"I'm looking for someone..a friend." Karens eyes darted back up to her again. "Does Devtech tell you anything?"

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