Chapter 1

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"I'm home!" Karen stumbled into the apartment with a pizza in one hand and two coffees in the other. She pushed the door shut with her feet before she kicked her boots off. Her eyes scanned her surroundings as she strolled in further. A smile spread over her face once she spotted who she was looking for.

"I smell something nice." Evelyns eyes were focused on the computer screen in front of her.

Karen shook her head. "Did you even move ever since I left this morning?" She placed the pizza down beside her on the table and the coffee in one of Evelyns hands. Her arms flung around the woman to hug her quickly.

Evelyn couldn't help but smile. She never was the touchy type of person but she got used to Karens hugs pretty fast and missed them whenever she was in her own flat. "Thank you." She sipped from the coffee. "I've already been on the toilet. Twice."

The blue haired girl snorted and put a piece of pizza in Evelyns hand. "Eat before I portal you in the shower."

For the first time she looked at the girl beside her. "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

They exchanged smirks and Evelyn punched her shoulder gently.

Ever since she had met Devtech's genius, they started to develop a friendship pretty fast. Nowadays Karen couldn't even imagine coming home to an empty apartment anymore. Even tho Evelyn had her own, and a lot of money as well, she prefered to stay with the tall girl. Karen never questioned it. She liked having company when she came home from work and have someone around to talk to. It was almost as if they were roommates already. Most of Evelyns belongings were already scattered around the flat and her clothes hung in Karens closet. The girl didn't even feel like it was home anymore without Evelyn being around.

"How was work?" Evelyn placed her coffee down to tap on the keyboard while she ate her pizza.

"Boring. Did you get any further?"

"You would be surprised."

"You didn't-..did you?"

The older woman smirked over at her. "You know me."

Karen jumped up excited and stood behind her to look at the screen. Even tho she didn't understand one thing about what was going on there.

"Ready to test it?" Evelyn looked up at her and she nodded eager.

A low chuckle came from her as she got up and lead Karen to a modificated chair. She put a leather bracelet around each her wrists. "Don't forget if anything goes wrong and you're hurting you immediately stop, alright?"

Karen rolled her eyes and nodded. "Don't worry so much. I'm getting better with my powers everyday."

"That's different. You will travel through time. You never did that before, honey."

The girl smiled bright at her words. Seeing Evelyn showing affection like this was always nice. "I will be careful. What time?"

"Before the glory days."

"The WHAT?!"

Evelyn chuckled surprised. "I thought you would like to say hi to teen Elastigirl."

Karen almost got an anxiety attack. "ELASTIGIRL?! IN HER RED GLITTER SUIT AND ON HER ELASTICYCLE?!"

The loud fangirl screech from her friend let Evelyn jump shocked. "Okay girl." She squeezed her hands comforting. "Try not to yell at her."

"Okay okay." A conforming nodd was given before she made herself ready.

"Stay safe." Evelyn went to her computer and pushed a few buttons. "Ready."

Karen started to focus as she felt the chair getting warmer. She put her hands up and closed her eyes as she opened a rather big portal. Her lips formed a proud smile.

"Come back in one piece." Evelyn waved at her once Karen got up.

The girl nodded and stepped through the portal. The moment she was through it she suddenly heard a loud bang and everything went black.


"Do you know who she is?"

"No. Her hair looks dope tho."

"Is she alive?"

"Step back!"

Karen heard a few strange noises around her once she woke up again. She sat up quickly as she realised where she was. "Fuck!" The girl looked around herself frantically, feeling her head pound in pain.

"Hey, relax. You're hurt." A soothing voice came from beside her.

Her eyes found soft brown ones and she could swear her heart stopped. "H-Helen?" Karen thought she was hallucinating but the pain in her hand pushed her back into reality pretty fast. "Shit." She cupped it with her other one, adding pressure to it.

"You're bleeding you have to relax."

Karens body ached but she was more focused on how Elastigirl held her and gave her one of this soft smiles she still remembered from the first meeting they had a few months back. Her heart fluttered as her body went limb again in seconds.

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