"oohh that's why my mom got a letter from the school saying that they wanted me to take sign language classes  in school, those teachers are such gossips"he said, I was still looking at him in disbelief that he could talk.

  "please could you stop, it looks like your eyes are  about to pop out " he said while I was staring at him like I just saw a dinosaur well it was somewhat like that 

     " um sorry " I apologized

       "No problem" he said, my head was still facing the floor still slightly embarrassed when he said

    " so?" I was confused

    " so what? " I said

   " so what is your problem " as I was about to talk and confess all my problems to him,it suddenly hit me then I said " why do you care, you barely even know me, we just met a few minutes ago  and now you are all up in my grill"

         I said boiling again for no reason, I have serious anger issues, I think I should visit a therapist or something and after hearing myself I realised I sounded like a black angry person based in the 80's.Not that I am racist or something I personally love blacks and all race of mankind.

         " hey slow down there usain bolts, it not like I asked to know about your sex life ? " as soon as he said that last part I glared at him " whoa, relax there just a joke "

                  " well it was very funny" I gave him a sarcastic smile " fine,I am sorry" I just sat there a little pissed at him for making those lame jokes, but let him continue

         " so now will you tell me what's bothering you?" 

         "why, you don't know me "

" just talk "he said so I explained everything how I was itching to strangle my little brother and the desire was enlarging every moment and how my mom was always taking his side and ever since dad died I had no one to cry on or even talk about my problems to until this day. After pouring everything out he gave me this amazed look, then said out loud

           " wow,if you keep all those emotions bottled up in there then you must be really strong the worst I have ever had to deal with was when I was... " he trailed off "anyway about your mum you need to talk to her, and your brother I assure you it is just a phase and as for someone to talk to you have me"he continued, then I scoffed 

" wow, maybe you should become a life coach " then he laughed then because his laugh was so contagious I started laughing then he said on a serious note" you should really talk to your mum about this and you will see life will just take its natural course "

             then I put my hand on my heart and said while pretending to be touched" wow that was really....cheesy " I said after taking a dramatic pause at that last part then I noticed a small smile on his face but he quickly suppressed it.

Then I noticed that the sky was now a mixture of purple and orange I enjoyed it before I asked my self why the sky was orange when it was just 4pm then I checked  my phone which I had turned off, and saw it was already
6:15pm I also saw I had like a hundred messages and missed calls, all of them from mom, how long did I and Ian talk strange.

" oh oh it getting late now I better start going, thanks Ian" I took my bike and started peddling home as fast as I could before it got dark.

At home

                I got home and took my bike to the garage then entered the house and saw my mom talking to a police officer, with a confused look I asked  " what is going on"  my mom had gotten up from where she was sat and said " officer Carl this is her "

"  what did I do this time,you know what officer Carl,here" I said putting my hands together and put them in front of me, overreacting a little bit"Um I ..." I cut him off before he could say another word.

" I know I have done a lot of bad things in the past, but the police has never been involved, mother of the year award is definitely going to you" I said the last part sarcastically to my mother

"WOULD YOU CALM DOWN!, officer Carl is not here to arrest you, so just calm down " my mum shouted,

" t...then why is he here? " I stuttered, still a little embarrassed that I  did all this shouting and raving for nothing.

" you did not come home on time so I assumed it was kidnappers " she said and then face palmed herself, and I felt a smirk coming on.

" you really do care "I said a little touched because it always seemed that she always loved my brother more. just joking anyway because she loves us equally... Right?, right?

Just then that idiot I call a brother, walked in  but I did not give him the time of the day. I stormed out of the living room

  When I got to my room I didn't bother changing into my pajamas, I was on my bed with in seconds and then I fell asleep thinking about today

  Media:  Sabrina carpenter as Leah/Ashley
An:hope you enjoyed it 
With love,

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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