Chapter 1

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Day before I left Forks

Tomorrow is the day I will be leaving Forks to go home. Since I have been homeschooled until this year I had enough credit on the recommended plan to graduate but I decided I wanted to gradate on the distinguished plan, I just needed a few more math and science credits. And because of this I started an online college course in Automotive Technology, basically expanding my knowledge of things I already know about building cars. I graduated high school a week ago and graduated college the day after that. I am the first Toretto to graduate both high school and college. After my dad died, my brother dropped out of high school to get a job and provide for us, and Mia did the same thing but they never let me do that. They later got their GEDs but pushed me to stay in school. I will never admit this but I'm glad they did. I finished packing about an hour ago, I was waiting for Charlie to get home. I haven't told him or anyone else that I was going back home, so I thought that I would wait till he got back from work to tell him and to thank him for letting me stay here. He's going to be home any minute, time to go downstairs and take the lasagna out of the oven. As I'm taking it out of the oven I hear Charlie get out of his car.

"Smells good Bells," Charlie observed.

"Thanks. Charlie, I wanted to let you know that I'm leaving tomorrow to go home." I voiced.

Charlie smirked, "I figured you would be. I'm assuming that you have already packed and told them you coming home. Just stop by the station tomorrow to say final goodbye and for me to give you something to give to your brother and sister."

I also smiled, "I have packed and I haven't told them yet, I want it to be a surprise. Of course, I'll stop by before I leave."

We made some small talk after that while eating my delicious lasagna, if I do say so myself. After I cleaned up the dinner mess I called Angela, one of the close friends here at Forks. I asked her if I could come over for a little bit, and unsurprisingly she agreed. So, when I went over, I told Angela everything about my family, my love of racing, and my college degree. To say she was shocked was an understatement, but she was understanding and vowed not to say anything to anyone. We then spent a couple hours watching a movie and talking some more. I guess the saying 'Time flies by when you are having fun' was true, because it was 11 o'clock. So, I said goodbye and gave her my actual phone number, not the one I used here in Forks. When I got home I noticed that Charlie went to bed and thought I should to seeing as I have a 17-hour drive ahead of me.

I woke up and noticed it was 7:13 am. As I was getting ready I couldn't help but think about how excited I was to go home and how nervous I was to face Sophia and Brian. By the time 8 o'clock rolled around I was ready for my long drive and ate a bowl of Cheerios. After I had all of my belongings in my car I drove over to the police station to say goodbye to Charlie. I wondered what he wanted to give me to give to my siblings. As I walked in I got several hellos from some of the deputies. It took me a minute to reach Charlie's office. I knocked and went in.

"Hey Charlie," I greeted.

"Oh. Hey Bells. I got the gifts here," Charlie responded. He handed me a $1,000 check for my brother and a couple books on Automotive Technology for Mia.

"Charlie they are going to love them," I exclaimed.

"I'm sure they will kid. You and your siblings are always welcome to come visit and stay for a while if you guys want. Call me when you get to LA. Say hi to Dom and Mia for me." Charlie added.

"I will. Thanks for everything, I mean it." I replied.

Charlie then pulled me into a hug and mumbled something along the lines of 'anytime kid'. When I let go he had a couple tears in his eyes. I said my goodbyes and hit the road. I started my road trip playlist and started jamming. Many people don't know this, but I'm actually a really good singer. I could race home, but I needed to have some more me time so I am taking the scenic route. Now my 17-hour drive is now 19, but I will stop and sleep in a motel and look around the state parks, mountains, and all of nature's beautiful features.

I have seen so many amazing things on my drive and I have found a good place to sleep at tonight. I also still need to call my brother. I'll do that in the morning maybe. As I check into a room I shoot Charlie a quick text, I've stopped at a bed and breakfast place in Homedale, Idaho. I also stopped at some national parks also. It wasn't but two minutes later when I got a response, That's great! I'm glad you're getting to see some beautiful sites. Make sure to let me know when you get to LA. Good Night. I sent him quick good night and fell asleep. I asked to the staff to give me a wakeup call around 6 o'clock, so I could be home tomorrow evening around 7:30-8:00ish. I ate a quick breakfast off eggs and bacon with some orange juice. After I grabbed a coffee to-go, I thanked the staff and started my long drive home. I didn't stop to see any sites today because I wanted to get home for dinner. I started thinking when I'd call Dom, I could probably call him around lunch. I would love to take a road trip with my entire family, see some of nature's treasures and hit up some racing scenes in some of the bigger cities. It's nearing lunch I should probably grab a quick something to eat and call Dom.

"Hello." Dom greeted, a little annoyed.

"You know, I thought you would be excited to hear me big brother. I'm hurt really hurt," I responded with a fake pout.

"BELLA!! I am so happy to hear from you. How've you been?" Dom asked.

"I'm great. I'm just out for a drive. How about you? The crew? The garage?" I inquired.

"Everyone is great and missing you. The garage is good. When are you coming home sis?" Dom mumbled, obviously missing me more than anyone.

"Well I was hoping I could come home within the next week if that's okay?" I confessed.

"Absolutely! We haven't touched your room, we have washed your sheets recently and have dusted." Dom exclaimed.

"Great, I'll talk to you later. Bye. Love you." I said.

"I love you too sis." Dom declared.

After I hung up, I noticed a McDonald's. I pulled into the drive-thru ordering a cheeseburger, small fries, and a medium sweet tea. After a few more hours of driving, I have reached my destination. Remembering the promise to Charlie, I sent him a text saying I was in LA. I realized got here a little earlier than I expected. So, I drove home and called Dom again.

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