only two alive

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It was a beautiful day out. Besides everything looking like a waste land, you liked to imagine rainbows and flowers with beautiful green grass everywhere, your vision was interrupted by a tall figure in the distance. You were excited and happy to see something else living was around. You began to walk then run and when you were 10 feet away from the figure you stopped dead in place. He heard some movement then turned in you're direction. He sat there fore a moment then spoke "hellooo.... Im salad fingers and i like rusty spoons" He said then took a rusty spoon from his pocket and began to caress it. "What's the  matter... Are you afraid... Don't worry... I wont hurt you" He said as he began to move closer. I was stuck in place. I have never seen someone like him. Now that we were face to face i can say that he is one of the most unique beings i have ever seen. Not feeling startled anymore i tried my best to speak "h-hello mister fingers.... I am (y/n).... " He stared at seemingly nothing with a straight face. I tapped his shoulder and tried to start a conversation "i-i really like your spoon... The color of rust is beautiful... " He slowly smiled and finally blinked "i like you miss, you don't scare me like the others. Are there any others?" I  shake my head no and he frowns. "Someday. i hope we can find others.... And be like a big family... " He looked at the ground and began to tear up and sniffle, i pat his shoulder and he wipes his tears and begins to pull himself together. "Right, no use in crying if it cant be done. Would you like to come over for a spot of tea, it gets rather lonely at my house. I could use some company" I stood there fidgeting and thinking about the worst possible things that could happen. But then again he was being very kind. I agreed to go with him but in the back of your mind i vowed to be extremely cautious about EVERYTHING from now on forward.

****time skip*****

I looked around the rundown house as he gathered his other 'guest' and set up the tea and pastries, nothing out of the ordinary ecept a lot of rusted items and the occasional skeleton. Which i was used to at this point. He called for me from the the tea area that it was time to start tea. I walked briskly back and seated myself across from him and smiled. "Good evening miss, would you like a spot of tea" He asked. This reminds me of how i used to play tea time with my dolls. But he has puppets and me. I nod my head yes and he pours a dark liquid into my cup. He slides me a pastry that looks to be in questionable condition but i cant complain. Its already hard for me to find food, i take a sip of the tea and surprisingly it tasted like... Well earl grey tea, i don't know what i was expecting but i enjoyed my tea and ate the pastry. The pastry wasn't that bad either. After tea we sat and played with his finger puppets. I was margery stewart-baxter and he was hubert cumberdale, so far margery and hubert were talking about how happy of a family they are when salad fingers started to tear up  "e-excuse me for a minute... But i need to go into the safety cupboard" He said through sniffles. I had a sad expression on my face as i nodded in agreement and watched him crawl into a cupboard. I sat quietly for a moment and after a while i could hear his sobs and self insults. He was calling himself a lot of bad things like a 'stupid boy' and 'i dont deserve a loving family'. I sit in front of the cupboard and listen. Shaking my head at the insults he tells himself. A tap on the door. "Hello there mr fingers, i think your extraordinary and one of a kind. I can be your family and we can be happy. I can teach you a lots of fun new things and you wont have to be lonely anymore" When i was done with my sentence i heard no noises from the cupboard. Then i hear shuffling and the cupboard door opens slowly. His puppy dog eyes were slightly red and his cheeks were wet with tears, i gave him a sweet smile and hugged him. He froze up and didn't move at all, when he realized that i was serious he hugged back. His skinny long arms wrapping around me as he laid his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. I softly and soothingly stroked his back as i hummed a calming tune. He smiled and tightened his grip around me as we sat in this comforting embrace.

---the end

Hey hey hey there buddy chum pal muchacho how bout you make a request huh ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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