chapter 2

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( Carmen's pov)

Damn i fucked up bad and now i have to deal with my father screaming at me and probably banning me from hanging out with my friends i feel bad that i lied to him and now look what happened they are labeling me as the president's wild child or the party girl. i need to get an escape goat soon.


(a few hours later Carmen comes home super late after the party and goes to bed not realizing its 9:50 am and her father is super pissed about her sneaking out to the party).

"CARMEN MONROE BLACK GET DOWN HERE NOW". Carmen's father yells from as down the hall as he fixes his suit and tie

Carmen gets up from her bed still in her party clothes from last night as she scratches her wild hair.

"Coming". Carmen tells her father as she walks into her father's room.

"Yes is there something you need or want. Cause im still tired from last night and i don't feel like hearing your mouth dad like come on it was just one party its not,like im gonna go to another" Carmen tell her father while looking at him annoyed.

"your right cause your never leaving this house again and your grounded for a month". he looks at carmen as she rolls her eyes

"Oh come on dad ur being totally unfair at this point im not staying in this house forever u cant keep me locked in here like some slave plus ground me ur taking it way to far".

Carmen leaves the room while Mr. black goes to a big meeting to talk about meeting with the Korean president.


A few hours later the family begins to eat dinner and Carmen breaks the awkwardness

"I have an announcement to make, I don't want to live in the white house anymore and I just want to live normal li-". Her father slams his fists on the table while looking at her

"Carmen who dare you say that to the family you did have a normal life before I became the president". Carl yells at her while his wife holds his hand.

"no dad we didn't have a normal life you were always so hard on me to get good grades and other shit dad , not once did you ask me "hey Carmen how is school going or where do u think about going to college or when you told me that you cheated on mom with your campaign manager that night when you was drunk dad , did you tell mom that she was pregnant with your baby cause you couldn't keep your dick in your pants, you just had to go swinging it around, did you for get to tell mom that the girl was 18 years old a few months ago when you so called had to go to a meeting, I'm so tired of being in this house dad." Carmen's father slaps her as his wife stands up.

"James what is the matter with you". Majorie yells at him as Carmen runs upstairs crying.

"DONT TURN THIS ON ME MAJORIE" James yells at his wife as he gets in her face and throws the dinner plate

"how dare you ruin this family James you didn't tell me she was pregnant with your baby and you know that I wanted another baby after our second child passed away in my arms and what did you do huh you we t around and got a 20 year old pregnant. Did you ever think for once in your life time about how this would effect not only me but your daughter as well Mr. president ". Majorie look at him.

"you need to get your shit together and I don't even be in the same room as you or even look at you, the only time I will look at you is when we doing meetings dinners and other events". Marjorie goes upstairs upset and starts to call her side dude.

"Hey hank its me Marjorie meet me at a motel i need something that can help me not be so aggravated can u do that". Marjorie says in a low tone.

"Sure pack a bag we are going away for the weekend I got a surprise for you down in Thailand since you've been telling me that you've always wanted to go so I hooked us up 2 tickets to go our plane leaves in the morning " .Hank tells her as he gets in his car to go to the motel.

"Thailand hank of course I'll go with you im not missing a opportunity to go to Thailand lemme start packing now ". Marjorie hangs up and pack a bag for the weekend to let loose and be happy

later that night while everybody is either busy or sleep Carmen decides that its time for her to leave and as she is packing up her bags to leave the house Carmen gets stop by a security guard.

"Carmen are you leaving without protection, you know your father told us to keep a close eye on you since the party incident". Bryce tells Carmen as she holds her bags.

"Bryce I'm leaving to go live my life without people telling me what to do I'm sorry but I cannot live here anymore Bryce and tell my father that". Carmen walks past Bryce and walks out the door not knowing how this will effect everybody in her family.


20 minutes later guys cat call her and Carmen ignores them when a white BMW pulls up and calls her

"hey you look like you need a ride since its about to start pouring rain right about now" the mysterious guy tells Carmen as she covers her head with her jacket.

"I don't know you and I'm not getting in the car with a total stranger who I just met 5 seconds ago, so I'm going to pass on the offer , but thank you." Carmen walks away but stops since the rain is pouring down even harder.

"On second thought I will gladly accept the ride "Carmen runs back to the car and speaks to the guy again to ask him if there is a hotel around D.C

"A hotel lady have you lost your plantation Barbie   Ass mind hell No im not gone let a beautiful girl go to a nasty ass hotel and stay the night and besides your the presidents daughter and they sent out a amber alert since your father just alerted everyone here in D.C to inform that you are allegedly missing , so I guess its better if you come with me". He looks at Carmen as she nods her head and gets in the car.

"I didn't get your name". Carmen looks at the guy and smiles.

"my name is Tyler but people call my Ty" Tyler smiles at Carmen and he takes her to his house and they get to know each other on the way there

(Carmen's pov)
Damn this guy is finer then a glass of wine i wonder if he has a girlfriend cause if he doesn't then i don't need to be a homewrecker then.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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