Chapter 2- Hold me

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Sara's POV:
I back away. "What do you think you're doing Jessica?!" She looks away. "Look at me. Look at me, Jessica!" "I...I..." she stammers. I look at her. Tears roll down her cheeks. "Hey, don't cry, I just want to know... why you did that. Why you kissed me." I bring her close to me.

Jessica's POV:
How does she not realise what I'm trying to do. She holds me. I lay my head on her shoulders, the smell of strawberries, chocolate, and perfume invades my nose. Wiping away my tears, I blurt out... " I LIKE YOU, OKAY! I LIKE YOU A LOT, SO MUCH. SO MUCH, I THINK I'M FALLING FOR YOU. I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU, SARA ELENA RAMIREZ!"

Sara's POV:
I just stand there. In disbelief. I couldn't believe that she... that this... was happening. "Say something" she urges. "I THINK I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU TOO, JESSICA BROOKE CAPSHAW!!!" I yell at her. She smiles. I chuckle. I look into her piercing, blue eyes.

Jessica's POV:
I stare into her chocolate, puppy eyes. I lean in to kiss. She kisses me back, but she pulls away. "What... what's wrong?" I ask. " isn't right. I'm with Ryan, and you're with Chris and you have your kids." she mutters. She shakes her head. "Go home, go home, Jessica, to your husband and to your kids, forget this ever happened" she says. "Sara..." I start. "Get out of my trailer and go home to the people you need to be with!" she shouts.  

Sara's POV:
I can't believe I just shouted at the angel that I was falling for. I could see the hurt in her eyes. I regret it. She runs out in floods of tears. I slumped down onto the floor, and I sobbed uncontrollably.

***half an a hour later***

Sara's POV:
I check my phone. The numbers 23:35 illuminate the screen. It's late. I head to change and go to bed, and I hear muffled cries coming from outside. I open the door, and I see Jessica sitting in the grass, leaning against my trailer. "What are you still doing here? I told you to go home!" No answer. "Jessica, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted at you like that."

Jessica's POV:
I look at her. "Yeah, you shouldn't have" She looks at me in guilt. "Don't you see? I can't go home to Chris, cause he's not the person I need right now." I say. "I need you, Sara, you're the person I need to hold me, kiss me, love me." I continue. She sighs. I get up to leave and I feel a warm hand touch my back.

Sara's POV:
"Stay. Stay the night."I say. She turns, and small dimples show as she smiles. She nods. I lead her inside. She holds me, holds me like she never wants to let go. "If you want to, umm... you're welcome to sleep with me. Only if you want to. Would you?" She nods. I sigh with relief.

Jessica's POV:
I change into one of Sara's pyjamas, and I slide underneath the duvet covers, next to her. I turn to sleep, and I feel her strong, warm arms slide under my body, and she holds me.

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