Budding Friendship

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It's been three weeks since I had lunch with Sami and Finn. Since then, my time in the Performance Center has been taken up by meetings after meetings. All I wanted to do was to find that one superstar that I clicked with and work with them already, but there was a lot more that needed to go into my prep before I was even able to be put on TV, let alone talk about who I'm going to be paired with.

I needed a new look to match my new name. Something that wouldn't seem outlandish if I was paired with Hideo or Finn but something that could easily be bumped up to being on par with Breeze's look. The eyebrow, nose, and bottom lip piercing just wasn't going to cut it anymore. But, to be honest, I'm glad I'm getting rid of those. The piercings just remind me of a dark time in my life, so to be able to take them out after so many years makes me feel already like a new me.

The one that is the hardest to part with, however, is the belly piercing. I got that just before my life turned upside down in 2008. I was at my happiest when I got it, but now... let's just say I love it and am going to miss it but it's necessary. The piercings and the punk rock attitude that my character has been portraying hasn't felt right in a long time. I'm getting a fresh start. I need something new.

During a meeting, someone suggested I dye my hair back to its natural red, but I managed to shoot that down fast. There was a reason why I dye my hair black, and I was not about to change it. I never was a fan of my red hair and I just barely decided to just accept the freckles and stop hiding them under so much concealer.

"I'm fine with the piercings going, but the hair stays," I told them. No one has brought the hair up since then. It's now day three of finalizing who Ivy Jackson is going to be and honestly, I think the NXT crowd is going to love it.


After my last meeting ended, I sat in the center of the same ring I talked with Sami and Finn that first day. I took a deep breath and lied back, arms and legs stretched out. My eyes closed as I felt myself relax. Tomorrow I was going to start my first promo class and finally starting to figure out who I'm going to be paired with.

Corporate has this crazy idea that Breeze needs an edgy lady by his side right now. While it would be fun to be a heel again, I never did have too much fun keeping it up outside of the arena. When I would leave the building and head back home, I couldn't find it in me to keep up that bitchy attitude that she had. I went from Miss Jackson back to Ivalyn Porter in .2 seconds flat. So just thinking about what I would have to do to keep up a heel character with Breeze made me nervous.

Why did corporate seem so stuck on pairing us together anyway? It's not like he needs someone by his side to boost his self-confidence any more. What would be the point? Was I supposed to be the Sherri Martel to his Shawn Michaels?

I was deep in thought when I felt someone get into the ring. I opened my eyes to see Finn looming over me.

"'Ey there stranger," he said with probably the slyest grin I've ever seen on the man before. "Been a while since I saw ya last."

He extended his hand and helped me stand back up.

"Been in meetings," I said as I straightened out my shirt. "You know how those are. Figuring out who you're gonna be and what you're gonna look like. Fun stuff."

Finn chuckled. "A necessary ting to be honest. But I'd just warn ya now, tings most likely will change before you debut."

"Don't they always?"

Finn looked away from me as he thought for a moment before he shurgged. "True," he looked back at me, "but the best ting is when one slight change makes your personality come to life."

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