Mad Love Chapter Five

Start from the beginning

"She thinks she's old enough to drink coffee," Julie laughed. They loved to tease me.

"SHE thinks she is old enough to go to college," I muttered. I could normally take their picking with a smile. However, I didn't feel like a 'baby girl'. I felt like a damn grown woman. Dad wrapped his arm around my shoulders, jostling me.

"Now, whatever you say Miss Maddy, but you'll always be my little girl."

I gave a weak smile up to Dad, feeling Jamie's intent gaze on my face.


It was sunset, and people were jam-packed into the house and out around the pool. Several friends of the family had brought their kids, ranging in ages from nine to sixteen. Dad's classic rock and zydeco music was blaring from the porch stereo. A handful of people were bobbing around in the pool, and the other guests were slowly circulating, saying hi to one another.

My Dad's cousin Randy was interrogating me on which university I had set my sights on. I was in the process of explaining my plans for college to him when I felt a cold tap against my shoulder. Frowning, I turned my head to see Jason Whitmire wearing a confident smirk.

"Hey," I said with a smile. He jerked his chin in my direction, his hello-acknowledgment, making me roll my eyes. I excused myself from Randy, giving him a quick hug. Turning back around to Jason, I realized he was holding a long-neck beer bottle in one hand. That explained the cold tap. "I didn't really expect you to be here," I began. And I hadn't really wanted him here, either. The boy thought he was too smooth. I like confidence, not cockiness. Certainly not when it's misplaced.

"Yeah, thought I might stop in," he said, shrugging. He eyeballed the milling crowd before looking back down at me with a grin. "C'mon." Jason grabbed me by my wrist and began to pull me through the crowd.

Everyone seemed to be immersed in conversation and laughter, not noticing my mental plea for help. Jason led me to the side of the lake house, where a bench swing-set stood. He sat down, still holding onto my wrist. I stood next to him, not feeling like humoring him.

"Here," he said, patting his lap.

"Ha! Yeah, right, Jason," I scoffed, finally able to wriggle out of his grasp. I leaned against one of the beams, crossing my legs.

"What, you've got no time for me? That's pretty rude, Mad."

"No, it's not that, Jason. But I'm not some idiot just willing to sit on your lap!"

"Fine, then would you at least sit by me?" He pleaded, gesturing to the seat next to him.

I stared at him for a minute, my lips thinned in annoyance. This is Alex's brother, Maddy. Alex and I had been friends for years. Our parents were hanging out, even now. Deep down, I know Jason isn't some evil spawn. That doesn't stop him from being an overly hormonal, pretentious ass, though. We're all allowed our faults, I suppose. I sighed, going to take a seat.

The swing rocked with my weight. I tried to think of conversation topics.

"You've gotten really beautiful, Maddy. I mean, you're looking HOT," I could feel his breath on my neck, and turned to look at him, moving my head back.

Really? Was that a compliment? I bit back my distaste. I suppose it's better than no compliment. His arm was stretched across the back of the swing, behind my shoulders.

"Thanks Jason. You've gotten... really tall," I said awkwardly. If I told him that he was handsome, or returned a similar compliment, Jason would surely take it the wrong way.

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