Part 2

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You look up and see......

Y/N : Deyvn???
Deyvn: Y/N is that you
Y/N : yes ....WAIT NO WAY
We both started screaming
Corey POV .
Deyvn: hey babe I'm gonna go take navey for a walk I'll be back
Corey : ok babe luvvv youuu
Deyvn : luvvv youuu toooo
Only like 3 minutes pasted and I started hearing 2 screams from outside . But the first thing that came in my mind was deyvn and I saw deyvn and and ....Y/N .....?.??.?. WAIT WHAT
I hear Y/N whisper in Deyvns ear *you still with him that's ture love hah *
They both giggle

Colby POV

I hear 2 girls screaming and I ran downstairs and saw Corey run out the house and so I did 2 . And I saw deyvn hugging this beautiful girl like omg she is so gorgeous..... wait I never felt like this before do I like her already I can't I haven't even heard her voice!!!!

It was getting close to 9 . It was 8:45 and it's like. A 15 minute drive to there so I said I had to leave and I ran back but I know Deyvn can read me like.a book after all she does have witch and vampire in her so I had to tell her everything. But before I ran of I -I saw this beautiful guy in the background but I did not pay to much attention to him because.. well ... BRENNENS LIFE IS IN DANGER !!!!!

* time skip to brennens driveway * it was 8:58 so I decided to go up the steps of his apartment and heard screaming in the background so I knew he was there so I got ready to fight but I had been so long sense I seen Brennen tho so I was scared

Brennen POV .
My family can over for dinner because why not and then it was like 7-8 and I was wondering who it would be I was thinking Jake because he was not here yet so I open the door it was pitch black out side then Jake got thrown in with tape over his mouth and rope around his arms and legs then I heard a familiar evil laugh and my dad well was my dad came bursting through the door and everything thing went black until I heard a knock on the door I instantly knew it was Y/N

He opened the door and grabbed my hair and pulled me inside and threw me on the ground and kicked me. He didn't know that I've got why stronger then he thought but I couldn't control it then I went into a blurry world and I know my black eyes came out and that said is no that side you want to mess with I will kill you without wanting to

Evil Y/N POV
I got so angry and so tired of being the one to watch instead to walk and control for wonts sooo this bitch thinks he can throw me on the ground well he thought wrong because I'm not the one and he thinks I'm still that little week 17 year old girl well nope I will kill you with no thought of it. I used my psychic powers and picked him up with the force you can say and choked him in the air to be honest it was fun to be back so I slowly choked him and I forgot that Brennen did not know I have this side but at this point I did not give a ffuuuccckkkk at all and I said with that devil dark tone in my voice and said evil Y/N: you think I'm the one to play this mr bitch well I'm not and I could kill you with out thinking 2 and I think for all the times you kidnap me and all the times you hurt me and Brennen and THE WHOLE FAMILY maybe I should teach you a lesson
Then I heard a familiar voice in my head and it said Y/M : hello sweetie I know you remember me it's me your mother and I'm here well I guess I have to do this first
Then you heard a loud screaming in your ear and fell to the floor letting go of Brennens dad and my time was over .... well this won't be good she's to off a sweetheart to do anything great

It's my mom I know I hate her and all but I can't kill anyone I just can't I don't want to fight her and hurt her but that's what she gets and I can't and I mean I CANT. Get hurt before my show so I had to use my little time to freeze time and grab Brennen and everyone else and leave back to my place and fast

( yes this one is longer but I just did not know how to end this one so yeah. Thank you for reading 🖤☠️)

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