As I sat down on my desk, Voight and Sheldon were talking to each other when two officers came upstairs walking past him.

Voight.... As soon as Olinsky, gets—

Olinsky.... Here.

Voight.... Hey Alvin. We are going to set up a control buy, Halstead and Lindsay in the door way. Do not go inside.

Erin.... You got it.

Voight.... Now more than ever, we keep everything in house understand? I don't care how they run other departments or how you came up. This is intelligent, my unit. You tell me the truth, so, I can lie for you—and if you ever go over my head. It'll be the last head you go over. Everybody goes home tonight. Voight said, making everyone go silent.

Raising my cup to my mouth Antonio said something, which made me spit out my coffee as I chocked on it.

Jay.... Antonio, really? What did you do to my girl? He asked handing me some water.

Julie.... Your girl?

Jay.... Yes, that's what I said.

Julie.... Wouldn't that imply, that you are dating?

Abby.... No, it wouldn't. Jules, best friends. I said, pointing between me and Jay. Trust me, Voight will kill him before allowing anything like that to happen.

Antonio.... Why would Voight, kill him before allowing that exactly?

Abby.... Because, I've known Voight my whole life. And trust me, he treats me like his daughter so—yeah. I guess, any guy that wants to date me would have to go through him and my father.

Jay.... Yeah, but your father is sweet compared to Voight.

Abby.... True, but trust me, you haven't seen what my father is truly capable of.

"Time Skip"

I went along with my father looking for a new recruit, someone that the intelligent unit could benefit from. My father was talking to the trainer, as I was looking around—when suddenly I heard yelling.

Guy.... Do you want to kill yourself? Don't worry, I'll do it. He said, kicking the chair over and pointing the "gun" at him.

I was shocked at how he handled it, but I couldn't contain my laughter anymore. I've never seen anything like that before, it was one way to do it, and it was effective.

Olinsky.... Why are you laughing?

Abby.... Sorry—dad—it's just—it—was—funny. I said, in between laughs as I covered my mouth.


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Olinsky.... We'll take him.

"Time Skip"

Abby.... And this is where your desk will be. I said, pointing to the desk.

Adam.... What about you?

Abby.... What about me, what?

Adam.... Where's your desk?

Abby.... Mm—well, you see Halstead there. I asked, pointing to him.

 I asked, pointing to him

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Adam.... Yes.

Abby.... Right next to his.

Adam.... I see, well, your definitely an Olinsky.

Jay.... Wow, wow, what does that mean? Jay asked, sitting on my desk, crossing his arms.

Adam.... I didn't mean it in a bad way, I was just saying that—that—

Olinsky.... Maybe you should stop talking kid, it's for the best.

Adam didn't say anything as he walked towards his desk sitting down without saying a word. I looked at Jay, shaking my head as I moved towards the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water. When Jay walked in, I threw him one and leaned against the counter.

Jay.... What's with Ruzek? What did he mean by, definitely and Olinsky?

Abby.... I don't know, but I like him. He's funny, and he definitely doesn't take crab. Y—you should h—have seen him today, trying to talk down a trainee from "shooting himself" but he insisted he'd do it instead. So, he kicked the chair out from under him, and that's how he ended up here.

Jay.... Yelling at a person who wants to kill them self, insisting that he'd do it. That's one way to talk someone down.

Abby.... I suppose.

Jay.... Good news, I found an available apartment for you. Best part is, you can move any time you want.

Abby.... Really? You're not messing with me? Squealing, I gave Jay a hug.

Jay.... Alright, there is one catch though.

Abby.... Please, please tell me I don't have a roommate.

Jay.... You don't, the only—possibly bad part is that you're going to have to stay in the same building as I am. Right, across from me to be exact.

Abby.... O—that's not bad. It's amazing, I get to stay near my best friend and live in a sweet building. Perfect, can you please let him know I'll move in by the end of the week.

Jay.... Deal. 

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