•°•chapter three•°•

Comincia dall'inizio

This was the first time since the incident that somebody loooked at me as more than just a victim. I tried to hold back the sob that wanted to jump out of my throat. Just focus on oak wood floor.

"Thank you.. Aunt Sarah.. " I whisper too scared to go any louder just in case my voice crackes with emotion. She suddenly blinkes a couple of times in understanding before turning to look at the two taller men.

"We should let Chloe get some more rest and do what she has to do don't you think? " she says more than asks. Ron grunts slightly before heading out.

Before following uncle out the door she stops with her hand on the white door frame.

"And Chloe.. Welcome home. " she smiles genuinely as if I was a lost child that was just brought home. The sadness washes over me once more before the warmth floods through me.

"T-thank you. " I stutter.

With that she walks out of the room leaving the door open for me to see the house.

Time skip/ Chloe's pov

Six boxes, two falls, a bathroom break, and a change later I sit on my bed brushing my hair with the little white paddle brush dad bought me. It meant the world to me.. Seeing as to how moms normally bought girly things for their daughters. Dad didn't know what to get me for my hair so he thought just a brush would work. I loved it. And I still do.

With that i lay the brush on my newly made bed.. After the fall I noticed that I was wrapped in the blankets like a human potato more or less. The Silvery blue sheets cover my bed topped off with a darker grey blanket that floated up somehow. The pillows were like the sheets and were also pushed up like magic. The room was nice. Quant even. It wasn't as big as my old room by a long shot. I liked the more compacted size anyways. It almost filled some of the loneliness up inside of me. With a sigh I stand up and look around the room once more.

It was white. Clean. Friendly. Inviting. My new bed sat on the white bed frame by the corner of the room. That's also where the window was. I could reach it from the edge of my bed with a little reaching. The window frame is decorated with a bunch of small purple flowers on it's ledge. The window is also open allowing a nice warm breeze to pass in with the sun. The light bounces off of the warm oak flooring before hitting the mirror. Said mirror is held up by the dresser, something I was acustomed to seeing at my house. In all the room was so pretty.

I stand up from the soft bed and look into the mirror at myself. My odd straight blonde hair sits a way below my shoulders. I kind of look like Goldie locks but with Carmel colored skin. My black pupils stand out against the light Grey color that are my eyes.and just underneath my eyes are big bags. With a sigh I I make my way out of the room. My shoeless feet shuffle along the sparkling oak floor as I make my way down the stairs. In this warm weather I wear a black hoodie thst stops at my belly button with a pair of denim shorts that hit my waist. I hear the giggles of a young girl from the kitchein. Annabelle. I haven't seen her since her birth but from what I remember she should be around four. Maybe I'll ask. But probably not. I place my hand on the cold wooden railing and step down two at a time. I fight the urge to think about my parents as my eyes land on the kitchen. A little blonde girl bobs her head up and down as she smears little cherries in her mouth. Her bright green eyes, brighter than aunt Sarah's, meet my own.

"Choe! Choe! Choe! " she exclaims while jumping up and down from the booster seat that latches onto the brown table. Uncle will and aunt Sarah currently talk outside. I can see them from the window talking with the bright blue eyed man and ron.

"Choe? " she mumbles with a tilt of her small head. My eyes flicker from their body's and back to the little girl in front of me.

"Hi Annabelle" I say the softest I can as to not frighten her. I don't know if it's an internal extinct but my voice becomes three pitches high as I move closer to the girl.

"Mommy? Daddy? " she questions me while holding up a Cherrie. I take it from her small stumpy hand before popping it into my mouth.

"Don't worry Annabelle. They're just outside." I say while patting her soft straight hair. She makes a sound and frowns up at me.

"Ok ok.. I'll go and get them.. " I mumble. With that she smiles and let's me walk out away cry free. With a small strained smile I place my hand on the door knob. Before I open the door I look at everybody's backs. They don't look at me, instead they talk and look at the two vehicles Parked close to them. With a small sad sigh I open the door and walk out. The light from the sun instantly blinds me to near death as I take a step out. The air is.. Spacy. It's hard to explain. It's very clean and very different from the overpopulated air I'm used to. It's so nice out. The Stormy sky's clearing and the clouds puffing up back into their orginal white forms.

"I see you're up and at it" uncle will says causing everybody else to turn to me. Both Ron and the man with the truck look away almost guiltily while uncle will and aunt Sarah hold a strained smile. I walk closer to them and notice the glint in their eyes.

"What's wrong? " I ask before I can stop myself. They give me a suprised look before the man with the truck steps up.

"Nothing is wrong Chloe. We are just talking. "

I frown at the blatant lie but decide to move onto something else. Whatever it is that they're hiding I don't care to know. I just don't. My pale Grey eyes meet the trees that surround us before looking back into the truck guys blue ones.

"I still don't know your name. " I mumble out after a hanging silence.

"Optimus pri-" he starts before being cut off by uncle.

"Thomas "

"Yes.. Thomas, I meant to say that. " he stumbles over himself before extending a hand. Uh huh. Ok. I can tell that they think that I'm skeptical by my expression before I return it to the blank one I held before.

"Chloe hope" I mumble before placing my very small hand into his. I ignore the pain in the back of my mind before recalling how he knew my name before I even said it. Now I sound stupid and look like a cat dragged through the house.

My dull blank eyes move away as our hands part. I'm doing good. Good.. Good...

CANCEL♥♥Prophecy Child / A Transformers Fanfic♥♥CANCELDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora