Hide and seek

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Cyra's pov

I went from darkness to what felt like blinding firelight. I struggled, taking in the scene around me. Boys of all shapes and sizes were standing around me. Then i saw him, that demon of a boy. His eyes glinting in the firelight, clearly enjoying himself. He walked closer, I struggled against the ropes that we're holding me still, destroying my attempts to move further away from him.

He moved down to meet my gaze and pulled my face towards him. He looked at me coldly, his dark eyes starring pits into my soul. "Well Love, I have a proposal. I let you go and you have 20 minutes to get to the beach, once those 20 minutes are up my boys will come get you and bring you back to me, However if you make it to the beach before my boys catch you then I will take you home." He stared at me, searching for the slightest movement from my lips.

He cut my ropes and pulled me to my feet, his brow crinkled, glaring at me. He grabbed my arm, twisting it behind me, forcing me to turn around. The forest loomed in front of me. It was much darker than it had been , the branches seemed to reach out at me. He leaned closer to me, placing his face by my ear. "Run." With that I felt his hands leave my arms, I had to be free.

It was then I realized I was still in my pajamas from the day before. A sports bra and and oversized t-shirt, with shorts and socks. The rocks and thorns on the ground tore my socks right away and the bushes scratched at my legs. My head was pounding and I still had dried blood on my face.

I still ran, as though my life depended on it because it did. the woods stayed unchanging. It was all I could do just to keep from tripping over the branches and bushes that seemed intent on bringing my downfall. By 10 minutes, I thought my heart would explode, I was gasping for breath and couldn't see straight.

'Maybe it was endless? They just sent me out here as some cruel joke.' I wondered but then I remembered the beach. The cool breeze and the warm sand. I was a bit surprised on how aware I felt then, how in control, then he came. That evil, demon of a boy. Everything blurred after that, my senses and emotions.

I jerked my head up, frantically looking around, suddenly aware of several more presences running with me, watching me. 'Had it been that long already?' I asked myself, 'Were they here to take me back, back to him.' My body trembled in fear.

Suddenly a searing pain shot through my leg. It shook under my weight and soon gave out leaving me at the mercy of a very unfortunately placed hill.

As I fell, I bit my lip. Trying not to cry out. Knowing his boys were watching me. When I came to a stop. I pulled myself into a sitting position. Staring down at my leg I was surprised at what I saw. Buried deep into my thigh was a spear, like one from the middle ages. I gasped as I stared at the wound a small trickle of blood running down from the edge.

I heard the boys around me whooping and laughing like this was some sort of sick game. That's when I realized, it was. My heart skipped a beat as I stared into the woods, searching for a sign of the boys I knew were already there.

Then they started dropping, out of the trees one by one. The one closest to me had dark hair and crystal blue eyes. His lips slightly parted in a smirk. I shuffled back, wincing at the pain in my leg but kept myself silent.

"Sorry sweets, time's up and you know the rules. Pan gets to have his fun," He bent down, pulling my face towards him with one hand and he other he wrapped firmly around the spear. "But first, it's my turn." He pulled the spear straight out of my leg. I gasped in pain, reaching down to try and stop the blood that was pouring out of the wound.

He grabbed my shoulders, pulling me to my feet. He reached down and plunged his fingers into the wound. My eyes widened as pain rippled through my body and my legs failed causing me to fall against him.

"That's enough Caleb." I heard his voice and knew who it was before his feet touched the ground. Caleb moved and I braced myself to fall but something was holding me up. No one was touching me but somehow I remained upright.

Then my body began to move. It felt like I was being thrown, until my back made hard impact with a tree. The wind was knocked out of me and I couldn't move yet my body was begging for air. I struggled to keep my silence as tears threatened to spill over the rims of my eyes. I stared at him, as he slowly crept closer. A light glinted off of the silver blade he held in his hand.

I fought whatever was holding me. It was impossible to keep the tears at bay and they flowed freely down my cheeks. He stood only inches away and pressed the blade against my neck. A line of crimson grew and began to trickle down my collar bone.

"Maybe this will be easier," He said menacingly. "What is my name?" I shivered and shook my head, fighting against him but it was useless. His cold eyes stared deeply into mine, anger spilling over.

He pressed harder. I closed my eyes and breathed harder, trying not to move. I suddenly began to feel a burning sensation on my cheek. My face felt as if it was being melted.

"Stop," I whimpered, opening my eyes to see what it was, i almost fainted when I saw the blue fire ball being brushed against my skin. "Stop!" I sobbed, fighting histeria.

"Say. MY. Name." His eyes were so dark they were almost black. He moved the fireball closer, placing it on my face and I felt it blister.

"Peter!" I screamed. "Your name is Peter Pan." He extinguished the flame almost immediately but stayed pressed against me for a full minute after. As soon as he moved whatever was holding me stopped and I fell forward, straight down. The tears hadn't stopped but they had slowed, I laid exhausted on the ground.

"Caleb, bring her back to my tree house." Caleb nodded and I felt his cold arms wrap around mine. As he pulled me up I crawled away from him, jerking my arms out of his. He shook his head and muttered something I couldn't understand. He wrapped his arms around my waist, hoisting me off the ground.

Pan turned towards me and shook his head laughing to himself. "You don't understand do you? You're mine and there comes a time when you need to accept it, Love." He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Be sure you get her cleaned up before you put her away. And don't worry Love, we're gonna have so much fun, Gracie sure did." The grin the swept over his face made me sick. I jerked my head up and would've torn his off if Caleb hadn't been holding me so tight. He chuckled and it was then I realized just how hopeless it was. I hated him with my entire being.

Pan's pov

When I saw the hatred in her eyes I knew I had sparked something. The extent of which I wouldn't know until much later. I flew around the island, just a routine patrol and when I got back Felix told me she was cleaned up and in my tree house.

They had laid her on the bed, her sleeping body shuddered with every breath. I went over and closed her leg and healed her cheek. Then went to sleep in the chair by the door so she couldn't try anything.

Cyra's pov

As I woke a soft groan escaped my throat as all the recent memories flooded me and the pain returned. I tried to become accustomed with my surroundings before I noticed him sitting in a chair across the room, still looking at me as if he would snap my neck and very much enjoy doing it.

"Kill me," I spat plainly, "Kill me if you must but I shall not bow to a king who wears a crown studded with the jewels of all the lives he has ended." He stood and walked over to the bed I was sitting on.

"My, my Love, how very poetic but no, as much as i might want to kill you I won't. Hurt you yes, but kill you no. You see I need you to do something for me." He spoke with an icy tone that gave me chills. 'What did he need me to do?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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