So you barely pulled the poor soul who had crashed into your companion out of the way before the electric-wielder's Quirk went haywire, and everyone just kind of stood and watched as he fried his own brain. And now you were hauling him through the very crowded streets of LA trying your best not to look like a criminal dragging away his latest victim but a concerned friend helping his drunk buddy get home. Which probably looked equally as ridiculous.

You are going to kill him when he comes back to.

Finally, finally, you see the gates of CIHA and have never felt happier. You pick up the pace, speed-walking to the entrance and ceremoniously dumping his body there. With a sigh, you sit down beside him to rest, because he was heavy and now your arms are sore.

"Whey, whey," the blond giggles, laying straight on his back, and you resist the urge to smack him.


You look up to see your absolute angel of a friend standing a bit away from the two of you. "Aki, thank god," you groan, throwing your head back in exasperation.

She comes closer, peering curiously at the boy beside you. "What happened?"

"This idiot stick tried to charge his phone and ended up brain dead."

The dark-haired girl is unimpressed.

"I guess I'll take him to his room," she says slowly, watching as he laughs to himself and looks blankly up at the sky. "And I won't ask how you two ended up together in the first place. It's the weekend, so are you going home or staying at the dorms?"

"Home." You pull out Kaminari's phone and cord from your pocket, handing it to the girl. "Here's his phone. At least it's full battery now."

"I'm surprised it's still intact, if anything," she snorts before taking them. "Be safe, [Name]. I'll be sure to tell the kid to thank you later." She pokes at him a little with her foot.

"No need. I already left a message on his phone. I'll see you, Aki."

"Thanks, [Name]."

Quietly, alone, you begin your way home. You make it about a block down before you find yourself bored. When you had Kaminari with you, at least his random comments kept you entertained—but now you were alone. You dig in your pockets and pull out a pair of earbuds, plugging them into your phone, and let the music take place of companionship. But it isn't quite the same.

As you walk down the street, retracing your steps from before to get to your apartment, you can't help but notice more about your city. You pass by the sushi restaurant Kaminari had pointed out to you. You even pause to read the menu—ooh, they had fried ice cream, one of your favorite desserts—simply taking in your surroundings. You spot the store he had said was in Japan, notice the overturned trash can he had pointed out ("I feel bad for the guy who has to pick up all that stuff."/"Tragic."). You remember the childlike sparkle in his eye when he looked around. You were like that, too. When you'd first moved in. But you had been too afraid to go out and explore, and eventually the wonder of the city faded as you tired of it, and you simply began dragging yourself through the streets every day. It is nice to actually see the city for once, you think, smiling slightly up at the sky. Maybe you walk around here more often.

Eventually you reach the intersection where Kaminari had his, ah...unfortunate accident. There is still a puddle of water on the floor, and you snort at the memory. You had been so embarrassed, tugging the idiot's limp body through the streets—but now, when you think back to it, imagining yourself furiously walking while dragging a drooling, grinning blond behind you is a very humorous image you'd never thought would happen. But it did. You chuckle lightly, before continuing on your way.

You're still going to absolutely decimate him tomorrow, though.



When Kaminari wakes up, his room is dark. He groans, rubbing his head, before getting up. He is on the couch, still in the clothes he was wearing before. With a sigh, he reaches for his phone to check the time, frowning at the messages he has gotten—7:30PM. A small piece of paper slips from his case, and curiously, he picks it up.

[Name] dropped you off at the school after you, apparently, 'tried to charge your phone and ended up brain dead'. I've informed your classmates and your teacher, so don't worry. Make sure to thank [Name] later.

     - Akiko

Aw, you had done that for him? That was sweet. He unlocks his phone and checks his messages, replying to all of his friend's worried texts, before coming across an unknown number. Confused, he opens the message, only to see an attachment with nothing else given. He taps it, and it begins downloading. It is a video. Of him. And you're there.

You hold him up with one arm while the other is threateningly placed at his neck. The video has a barely noticeable hue of [f/c]—probably because you were holding it up with your Quirk. You look straight into the camera, and slowly, without taking your eyes off of it, you drag two fingers across his neck with an absolutely murderous look on your face.

Kaminari pales instantly.

"Oh, shit."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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