I've been tagged again

22 1 7

Vanilla or Chocolate
For like ice cream and stuff it's vanilla but I like chocolate a lot too (just not icecream)

One Bad Habit?
I crack my knuckles and annoy literally everybody with it.

Something You Hate?
Spiders and other insects

Anime Boys Or Real?
I don't watch anime so real boys I guess

Secret Talents?
Oh you don't want to know😏😏

Jk I can kinda dance but it's not really a secret talent or something.

Favourite Foods?
Anything with Chicken And Rice In It.

3 Pet Peeves
People pretending to be someone they're not.
People who think they're better than others.
People who do stuff even though you ask them not to.

As you can see I am a very social person who loves socializing.
*extreme sarcasm*

Favourite Anime
I don't watch any anime. I have seen some Gibhly (idk how to spell it tbh) movies and I really liked My Neighbour Totoro.

3 Facts About Me
I have a dog and a cat
I live on a farm
I'm Pansexual🏳️‍🌈

I'm not going to tag any people because I've already done that in another tag thing..

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