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Dan and Kyle sleep in the bunks opposite each other on the bus and they have matching pyjamas. They close the curtains so no one else suspects anything then when everyone is asleep they open them like "hey bitch".

It's currently 2am and the pair are giggling away like idiots and Will's like
“Will you two shut up?! I’m trying to sleep”

and Dan's like “heheheyeah okay”

They just look at eachother and start giggling, uncontrollable giggling, absolute children.

Actually Dan said "Huehuehueyeah. Sorry daddy William"

Then woody sticks his head out from behind the curtain like “guys seriously,stfu”

Kyle's like "FUCK OFF WOODY"

And Dan repeats him “yeah fuck off woody”
Then Dan and Kyle return to giggling away.

Kyle's like "not not to throw a thingy in the thingy" and fucking wets himself over it and Dan's like "ugh shut up Kyle, I'll smack my dick in your face"

Then Dan's like “yeah well at least I don’t own 769 pairs of shoes that fill two fucking rooms in my house”

Kyle starts crying, "It's nOt tHat baD"
Dan also joins in with the tears cause he feels bad.


Dan's like "iM reaLly sOrry *hiccup* kYle i *hiccup*lOve yOu"

*hours later*
Kyle to Dan : “you wanna know what time it is? “
Dan: “not really but okay”
Kyle: *starts screaming*

Then Dans like “iTs fOuR iN thE mOrNiNg”
*Gets out spinny sofa*
Kyle starts cheering and clapping.

"GUYS S H U T  T H E  F U C K  U P" Woody fucking climbs out his bunk and starts throwing fists.

Will starts recording it for the SATT episode 2.

*woody punches Dan in the teeth*
*Dans teeth fly out*
“Due to unforetheen thirumthtanthes tomorrow’s gig will have to be re-scheduled becasuthe woody knocked my teeth out,love Dan Kyle woody and will x”

*woody punches Dan in the teeth**Dans teeth fly out*“Due to unforetheen thirumthtanthes tomorrow’s gig will have to be re-scheduled becasuthe woody knocked my teeth out,love Dan Kyle woody and will x”

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“Woody's lost it with these two idiots who don’t know how to be quiet. *david attenborough* Here we have bastille, it's 4am and Woody is throwing punches"

"it's been going on throughout the night. Dan and Kyle have been stirring up a fucking storm in the bus. Here we can also see Dan  and Kyle wearing matching pyjamas, Dan's teeth are on the fucking floor"
The audio cuts out and it starts playing while some fast action shots of Woody fucking up Dan play.

Kyle’s chanting “fight fight fight” in the distance but within seconds he's crying again, " WOODY STOP TOUCHING MY DAD"

Dan's only remaining tooth is the cute one that’s longer than the rest and his mouths pouring blood.
"thorry guths, leths just go to bed. We'll sthort this out in the morning. Woody can fuck off though the little bithch"

"get me to the dentithst quick"

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