Time Machine -2

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Hananel nervously looked at the clock every five minutes nervously. He was distraught. Even if he had to follow Avital and try to bring her back to the present - he would do it even if she did not want to.
It is forbidden to play in time because she may be in danger in a journey to the truth to find out who murdered Gabriel Demetti.
"Why do you sit like this while Avital puts herself in danger of trying to find out who killed Gabriel Damati?" "I can not be quiet because I know she is putting herself in danger. If I do not, I'll go and stop her before she makes a big mistake!" Chananel said anxiously.
"You got a better idea, smart guy, you're the one who encouraged her to make a documentary film about this damn singer, so at least take responsibility for it." Tuval commented gently.
"Are you coming with me to try to stop Avital? We must not let her travel in time for 1991." Hananel replied thoughtfully.
"Let's get out of here before someone kills her in 1991, the obsession with this singer drives her crazy," she says. Shoval said thoughtfully, and the three of them walked away determined to stop Avital from making the biggest mistake of her life - traveling in time for 1991.
Avital found the time machine and she fell into it before Hananel, Shoval and Tuval managed to stop her from traveling in time for 1991.
When Hananel, Tubal, and Shovel ran like madmen to try to stop Avital from saving Gabriel Damati, they discovered that she had preceded them and traveled without them in 1991.
"You can blame yourself!" Tuval burst on Hananel and Hananel sat down on the step so he did not feel well about Avital's disappearance.
Do you understand that she went without us? " He muttered sadly.
"As if it's just one day to decide that she's going alone in the past, do you think something will happen to her?" Shoval asked anxiously.
"I'm afraid so," Hananel said anxiously, full of fear that might happen to Avital in 1991.
" What will we do now?" Asked Tubal loudly.
"I think we'll follow her to follow her even if she does not want to hear." Hananel thought thoughtfully.
"I have to tell you it's a bad idea, we just have to let her grandfather know she's gone, do you think he'll support her nonsense?" Shoval said, rolling her eyes impatiently.
"I have to look for Avital before I really go crazy!" Hananel thought aloud.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you ... but you really go crazy." Cried Tuval, and Hananel was insulted by her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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