Tearful Goodbyes

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Leandre made sure that her things were in check before she closed her suitcase.

Well, that's everything.

Leandre sighed in sadness before she picked up her suitcase and headed out to the cab. Peter was already loading their things in the cab.

"Is that all your stuff?"

Peter asked and Leandre nodded. Peter gave her an apologetic look "Sorry for my outburst by the way. I must scared you and Lucy" Leandre shook her head.

"You have nothing to apologize. You were afraid and wanted to lash out at something"

Peter smiled at Leandre sheepishly before the two heard the rest of the family going out "Peter come help your brother up" Edmund gave his mum a disdain look.

"Mum it's alright, I got it"

Edmund said but Peter was already grabbing things from his hand and helping them load.


The train was bustling with children with their parents and tears on both parties. One thinking they won't see them again and the other, worried for their safety.

"You need to keep this on darling, alright?"

Mrs. Pevensie looked at the sorrowful look on her daughter's face as she clipped on the ticket. It pained her to leave her children to the unknown world but what choice did she have? It was either let them stay and die or let them leave and have a chance at life.

"You warm enough?"

A small nod from the youngest Pevensie.


Mrs. Pevensie smiled at her daughter as she hugged her before handing her over to Leandre. They both smiled at one another before Leandre led a nervous Lucy in line with Susan.

Edmund glanced at a poster with the sign "Help The Children" as he talked to himself though he knew it was mostly towards Peter.

"If dad were here he wouldn't let us go"

"If dad were here then the war is over and we didn't have to go"

Peter responded back with a bit of a bite in his tone "You will listen to your brother, won't you Edmund?" Mrs. Pevensie asked but Edmund didn't respond.

Mrs. Pevensie went to kiss her son in the head for reassurance but Edmund flinched before he let his mum kiss him on the side of his head, ignoring the hurt look that flashed across her face for a moment.

Peter hugged his mother as soon as she came to him for support "Promise me you'll look after the others?" Mrs. Pevensie asked, forcing herself to remain calm.

"I will mum"

Peter answered in a rasp voice. Leandre clutched Lucy's hand for support. She hated these kinds of things and there would be a chance that many children will lose their parents in the war.

"Good man" Mrs. Pevensie said with a smile before a whistle rang across the crowded place "All Aboard!" The conductor shouted to all the children as they boarded the train.

They did not have much time.

Mrs. Pevensie turned to her two daughters as she hugged Susan first "Susan, be a big girl" Mrs. Pevensie asked which in short meant that Susan had to be Lucy's guide through this whole new change.

Mrs. Pevensie turned to Leandre before she flung her arms around her "I'm so sorry this will happen to you again" Leandre smiled at Mrs. Pevensie, she knew sooner or later that change will be inevitable. This will be one of those days she will have to be strong for herself and those around her.

"It's alright Mrs. Pevensie, I will look out for your children while we are all away"

Mrs. Pevensie smiled "Always the mature one. Just like my brother..." Leandre gave a teary smile as she thought of her deceased father.

"Alright, off you go" Mrs. Pevensie said when she heard the conductor screaming "All Aboard!" and his whistle for the children to start getting in the train.

Leandre grabbed her suitcases as she followed them at the back end. She turned to see Mrs. Pevensie staring at them and she gave a small smile in return.

On the way, she saw Lucy trying to pull away to look back at her mum and maybe run back to her "C'mon Lucy, we have to stick together now" Peter said in a soothing tone that only seem to make Lucy sob quietly.

"Peter, let me handle her. Go help Susan and Edmund"

Peter gave Leandre a grateful smile. Glad that there was someone who was there for him in this dark day.

Lucy lowered her head as Leandre knelt down in front of her "Now Lucy, you'll see her again. You'll just have faith" Lucy sniffled "What if I may never see mum again" Leandre wiped a tear rolling down.

"Life can change so fast Lucy. Which is why you must treasure every moment you have to those around you"

Leandre pulled something silver out of her pocket and handed it to the little girl's palm "It was suppose to be a present for your birthday but I can make an exception for this one" Lucy gasped when she realized she was holding a locket with her parents' pictures inside.

"Well c'mon then Lu, be valiant. We're off to a new adventure"

Leandre grabbed Lucy's hand as they made it to the train. Mrs. Pevensie pushed through the crowd as she tried to get a glimpse one last time of her children.

Leandre peeked through the window and waved to Mrs. Pevensie. It wasn't long before the rest of the Pevensie children followed soon after.

"Bye mum! We'll miss you!"

Peter called out "Bye, bye dear!" Mrs. Pevensie whispered with teary eyes as the train slowly began to move. Leandre lost count on the number of hands that were waving goodbye to their parents.

Leandre held her gaze to her old home until it disappeared and she could no longer see the familiar scene.

Change is always inevitable, yet we must look towards tomorrow.

Leandre thought as they ushered themselves to their room.

Narnia: A Lion's SpiritOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora