Hunted (The story of Bishamontan & Abon)

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A young man had been running through the forest at a serious pace he was obviously running from something. This something turned out to be a fifth circle demon known as Bolgias, this horrid flesh-eating demon loved to feast on sinners with his minion children known as hunters. The man kept running until he hit a figure, he looked up to see a group of amateur demon hunters. The leader was a young lad known as Bishamontan, he’s fiery and hotheaded but is also very capable at hunting. Bishamontan looked at the young man and coldly said “Move, runt”, in return the young man got up and ran away from the group only to run into the demon’s minions. The minions were cackling evilly as they slew the young man and horrifically cut his body to pieces and toyed with them. It was then the group was discouraged as they watched the terrifying scene, only Bishamontan could stomach the scene. Nobody knew that they had been surrounded by minions as Bolgias slowly approached the group. Bishamontan slowly turned around and put his hand on the hilt of his sword as he was smacked across the woods and hit a thick oak tree, he could no longer see his group but, he could hear the screams of terror and pain as Bishamontan’s group was torn apart and devoured by the demons.

          Two days later in the village of Kina, a legendary demon hunter named Abon had been on the hunt for Bolgias, he heard about the recent slaughter from the patrons of the local pub. He also heard about the one survivor of the slaughter, Bishamontan. Abon had started his search for Bolgias but as he searched more the trail got colder and finally went dead. He knew if he could find the survivor he could rekindle his trail on Bolgias.

          Bishamontan had been looking for more demon hunters to claim revenge on Bolgias for the slaughter of his friends. He had also heard about Abon in the nearby village. Upon return to Kina, Bishamontan had asked one of the patrons about Abon and how he became so legendary to which the patron coldly looked at Bishamontan and sullenly replied “He is the last in a long line of demon hunters, at the age of 6 he watched his family get slaughtered by a pack of demons, he had only one sibling that survived but nobody knows who or where he is, but Abon has hunted and slain many famous demons and their packs… Alone, some of them were even barehanded which is why everyone is so scared of this man, take my advice and stay away from this man… if he is even man anymore.” Bishamontan looked at the patron and thanked him for the information. As Bishamontan walked out of the pub with a determined look in his eyes, he was approached by a hooded man wearing all black clothes.   “W-who are you? I’m well-armed” said Bishamontan, the hooded man darkly replied

“Meet me at dusk at the edge of the forest with a handful of men eager to cure this plague of demons upon this town” Bishamontan slowly nodded as the hooded man left the pub and proceeded to the edge of the forest. After the man had left the pub, Bishamontan looked around to find a group of infamous demon hunters called “The Shadow League” led by a man nicknamed the beast, nobody knows his real name, and there are also his goons: Ricky, Ed, and Shon. The group is a mysterious bunch but Ed and Ricky fight with bows and arrows while The Beast charges in wrecking everything hence the nickname, Shon however is a new addition to the group, though it’s rumored he uses an ancient weapon of the past… it may sound like a silly old fairy tale but he maybe a warlock or wizard because he uses ancient spells from a tome. Bishamontan walked over to the group and addressed himself “I am called Bishamontan of the old guild of wyrm slayers and I need your help to slay a demon and his minions.” The Beast slowly looked at Bishamontan and inspected him closely and replied “Wern’t the wyrm slayers all killed? Against that uh, that uh Bolgias feller?” Bishamontan looked down in sadness and grimly said” Sadly yes… I was thrown and knocked out against a tree, I guess he forgot about me, but I need your help to exact revenge on this demon for my guild, and friends, please… I beg of you, please help me!” The Beast looked at the desperate hunter and sighed, “Fine, when do we ride out?” Bishamontan cheerfully looked up and said “We ride tonight, someone will be meeting us at the Forest’s edge” The Beast shrugged and looked at his men and yelled “Saddle up men! We got us a job to do!” The goons looked up and yelled “Cheers!” and chugged down their drinks. They prepared their weapons and gear and got up on their horses and rode off towards the forest as dusk fell upon them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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