Chapter 2

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Bakugo's POV

My hold body feels like I've been hit with a ton of bricks I looked up, and around. I'm in an alley I stood up on my feet while looking through my pockets, At least my phone is here, I looked up from my phone and saw my bag were my hero outfit is. I grabbed the bag and began walking to the opening of the alley, this is not home, I stood in the middle of a busy street, FUCK, I looked around, nobody had any special hair colour or mutations, I need some sunglasses, I looked around a saw a shop, I began walking to the shop with my head down.

One pain full hour later (and a cap, per of sunglasses, plus a hoodie (all dark in colour))

Bakugo's POV

Okay, whoever is following me is either an idiot or they don't think I can tell.... Fuck it. I begin running to get away from whoever is following me.











Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye POV

FUck... Nat is going to kill me, Fury is going to kill me, Tony is going to laugh of me. I slowly pressed the com "I think the kid knows somebody is following him" "WHAT" Fury and the rest of the team began bickering, I began following the kid.

Bakugou in a new world, can it handle him (MHA x The Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now