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Parker Donovan - the guitar player, the guy who has nice abs, the guy who is in desperate need of a girl and sadly my epic high school crush.

Raegan Ricardo - the nice one, smart, wears glasses, thick brown hair , one who has basically all the characteristics of a girl who would make a good lead for a badboy turned good story, and last but not least *drumroll please* ME.

We don't talk irl, but we text sometimes. We absolutely avoid each other in person, but text like we've known each other our whole lives. I know it sucks. There is nothing I can do about it. He told me last night i.e; February 13th, the Eve of Valentine's Day that he is still on the lookout for a valentine and obviously I did not say anything about my unspeakable crush on him.

Today I woke up with my thick and ungodly mess of hair stuck to the side of my face , I'm guessing due to the drool from watching 'Backstabbing for Beginners' last night (Theo James is a real HOT MESS). As usual I checked my phone for any valentine requests which were probably sent to me by my besties.

After my usual morning routine consisting of only - brushing my teeth and showering, I shamelessly checked my phone again. There was a message from Parker and I thought he wanted to tell me that he finally found a valentine , but no it was a valentine request for me. I thought he was joking so I sent him an "Fuck U" with a few smitten emojis.

He then replied with a "I'm Serious" and after jumping on my bed for a few minutes, calling all my friends to tell them, taking a screenshot of the chat for future purposes , pinching myself to make sure I was not hallucinating and already deciding the names of our future kids together, I replied saying that I would be honoured to be his valentine.

We went out on a date later that evening and I was surprised about how fun it was if we actually talked, as in said words in sentences to each other. The rest as they say was filled with food and food and more food (just to be sure I love food more than anything else on the planet)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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