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The shouting was louder tonight, Shota's mother, Fumiko Aizawa, yelled into the hotel phone, sobbing yet fuming with anger. He doesn't like it when she shouts. His ears and head hurt when it happens. Its worse when they're both shouting.

Shota turned over in his futon, snuggling his stuffed cat to his chest. He tried to block it all out but failed. It was so late at night and he's yet to sleep. In fact, he hasn't slept since they left. Since his mother took him from his home and rented this dingy hotel room. Only reason she even chose this hotel was because it was closest to Shota's school, being only a twelve minute walk to and from.

"JUST SIGN THE DAMN PAPERS, SHOUTA!" Fumiko yelled slightly louder than before. Shota slunk down further into the scratchy blanket. Why was his mother and father fighting so much? He just didn't understand. "J-just.... Please... I want this mess to be over with, Senior... Junior doesn't need our toxic relationship in his life. He's only six for fuck's sake. Just sign the papers already." She sounded more level headed. Calmer.

It was quiet again. Shota was relieved at the silence. Maybe he could finally fall asleep. His mother got quieter as she began to speak again, "Senior... I-I know it was wrong for me to do that. I take full responsibility. I own up to it okay? But... You're still an alcoholic and... Shota...." She took a shaky breath. Shota jolted slightly from the mention of his name, knowing which person she was talking about just by how soft she said it. "He can't be raised by someone with such a problem. I'm already pushing for full custody over him. I'm sorry, Shouta. But I just can't let you take him from me. Visits are fine and dandy though...."

A couple beats of silence passed before she spoke one last time that night.

"Bye Shouta..."
After he heard the click of the phone connecting with the receiver, Shota heard soft sobs following. He listened to them just like the previous four days before. Not knowing what to do except fall asleep or lay there.
The next morning, Shota was awoken by his mother's morning sickness. He knew the drill already; get his clothes out of the dresser, grab his mother's clothes, and set everything out for when she's done. Today was finally the weekend. The first weekend away from his dad. He'd always watch his dad work in his home studio, watching as stranger after stranger came into their home to get their photos taken. But today, he was told he had to go to work with his mother, which he hardly got to do as is.

Shota reached up as best he could for his toothbrush and toothpaste, head barely in view of the mirror. He heard the flush of the toilet and some shuffling inside the bathroom, his mother coming out shortly after. "Morning, sweetheart." She smiled tiredly yet softly at him. "Need my help?" Shota sheepishly nodded. She picked her son up from under his arms.

"And up we go!" Shota laughed a bit as she lifted him up to the counter, setting him down to reach the sink and mirror. Fumiko took her own hygiene bag out and got ready to brush her own teeth until her cell phone rang from the bed. Shota watched as his mother dashed over to grab it, the ringing stopped when she flipped the phone up, answering with an annoyed "hello" She was always so unaccepting of phone calls so early in the morning.
Shota finished brushing his teeth and carefully jumped down from the counter, grabbing his jeans and cat themed shirt from his mother's bed, heading back towards the bathroom to dress.
He got dressed and left the bathroom, going over to his futon, packing his backpack up with his favorite past times; his puzzle book, book on all things cats, and his toy camera that his father gave him; he carried it everywhere and pretended to take people's photos just like him. His mother finished her phonecall, muttering something about an incompetent intern, and finished her own morning routine.

"Okay!" Fumiko was dressed up in her black dress pants and purple blouse now. "You ready to go to work with mama today?" Shota slid off his futon. Fumiko held her hand out to her son and he took it with a bored expression.

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