"And Grat was the one who insisted on you having as many dressers and armoires as she does. Because again, she's a Marfu Daughter, just like you. And when she married Yalak, she wasn't used to the way my father treated her or especially the way Yalak treated her. Because he has adored her for so long and once he was free to show his adoration, he very quickly and easily overwhelmed her with gifts. Like just daily, almost hourly gifts. So my father asked her and my other sisters in law to help you not feel so overwhelmed. Which she very happily agreed to as did all the others. Especially since Grat and all the others came from other clans too. And none of them were used to women being treated so well as my father demands women be treated well in his Clan. Because he claims that 'a man who can not treat his wife with honor, has no honor himself'. And she and the others were shocked when you brought so few clothes with you. So she made sure that you got a lot of dressers and armoires and fabric to make new clothes with." Glasha explained as you were relieved when that part of your dream was false. Because you had met Grat and she was awesome and just as much of an easy and quick friend to you as Glasha was becoming and had hugged you and called you 'Marfu!' when she got to greet you and made sure to point out all the other Marfus in the family who greeted you just as happily and warmly and really made you feel welcome and they helped this whole situation feel much more normalized and more real instead of surreal. As if Crowthu and his sons regularly just rode all night just to find daughters in law.

"So the twins will be doing the furs of your bucks and wolves for you. Because they're awkward talkers, but they're better at showing their affection by doing nice things for people. They really are nice and they don't have any bedroom servants. But either of them could get just about any other woman in the clan if they wanted to. And the few who have expressed an interest in them, they feel like it's not genuine. And that it's only because they're the sons of the warchief and the last sons of my mother that they get the interest at all." Glasha revealed.

"I see." You nodded in understanding as you made a mental note to make an effort with them and at least draw them out and help them with their self confidence the way you had with Nar and Shuzug.

"But you have to get under all the awkwardness first. And if you have genuine feelings of affection for them, make sure to tell them and show them that explicitly. Even if it's friendship. They'll appreciate anything and everything. Especially since Yotul has usually saved her heart and her affections for her own sons she gave birth to. So while she nursed them, she didn't quite love them the way she loved Yalak. And the twins have always felt like they've been a burden to her and they never wanted to be a burden to anyone. And while they've struggled with a lot of guilt, because my mother died trying to give birth to them. My father has made sure to never tell them that he ever blamed them for her death. And that women die from childbirth all the time and it was just as honorable and glorious as dying on the battlefield. And he has always told them that they were the best and last gifts my mother ever gave him. And just like with Zorroku, he has made special efforts with them and my other sisters that my mother Sharn gave birth to." Glasha explained, her voice going soft with a bittersweetness in her eyes.

"I take it your father still misses Sharn." You ventured.

"He does, every day. He claims that I look just like her and that's why he has chased off every man who has ever taken an interest in me and my other full sisters, because he feels I and my full sisters are the last but biggest pieces of her left. And he still tries to honor her and her memory by honoring us. He always gives me, and my full sisters the very best in everything he ever takes in raids. He makes sure we are always fed until we're stuffed, always clothed in the best fabrics and the best shoes and the best...everything." Glasha related.

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