Marner & Rielly / Sweet Creature

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Rielly POV
He's the sweetest thing to ever touch the earth's surface. He's so pure ,and a sensitive soul. His small hands fit in mine so perfectly and his head fits perfectly in my neck. We rarely fight but, when we do crystal clear tears cascade out of his ocean like eyes. His fragile hands start to shake and his small bottom lip starts to quiver. It's hard to see such a sweet creature in such a state and to know that it's partially my fault. I once blamed him for ya losing a game against the Florida Panthers but, it wasn't his fault. It was a team effort and I yelled at him until his small knees gave out and he fell to the floor and he let out a loud sob ,and he looked up at me and said "M-Morgan I-I-I'm s-sor-rry! P-please don-n't
le-eave m-e!" ,and that sentence made my heart sink to my feet. I felt horrible my stomach in knots ,and tears flooded my eyes. I had hurt him. The sweetest thing on this planet. The boy that his smile lightens up a whole city ,and his voice is like a million angles singing. Once I've realized what I have done I walk over to the small shaking boy and I pick him up. He wraps his small legs around my torso and his arms around me neck ,and he places his head in the crook of my neck. I kiss his head and whisper " I am so sorry for yelling at you and blaming that game on you baby boy." he responds by cuddling his head deeper in my neck. I walk to our room and place him gently on the bed ,and take off his jeans and sweater and take off my sweater and put it on him. I take off my jeans and crawl under the blanket with the small boy. I open my arms and he crawls into them and I pull him into my chest and he says "I love you Morgan Rielly" I respond with "I love you too Mitchell Marner now sleep my sweet boy" ,and I kiss his head and he drifts into a deep sleep. Then for the next couple minutes I admire the sweet creature I call mine and I drift into a peaceful sleep. That was a around 5 months ago and it's been a rough couple weeks for the leafs and Babcock is taking it out on Mitch. The sweet boy has been shutting me out and not telling anyone how he feels. I'm going to try and change that today. Last night we lost to the New York Rangers 4-1 and Babcock was furious to say the least but, he didn't blame anyone else but Mitch again. Not even the goalie just my sweet boy Mitchell Marner. When we got home he went straight to our room and went to bed. He didn't even eat dinner. He hasn't eaten in weeks and I'm really worried about him. So, I go to our room with breakfast for him and I and I go in and I sent the food on the end table of our bed and I go sit on the bed and I pick him up and place him on my lap ,and I notice he's gotten lighter. So I say "Baby boy you need to tell me how you feel. Please stop shutting me out. I love you so much and I'm worried about you. I know he's taking everything out on you but, I need you to tell me because I care about you so much and I can't lose the sweet boy that I fell in love with." Mitch looks me in the eye and he says "I don't know how to tell you. Nobody has ever asked when I get upset my parents never cared and I just learnt to cope with life by myself until I met you. You showed me something I never thought could exist but, it does and it's sitting right in front of me" Mitch looks at me and I place my lips on his and we start making out and it gets heated but we stop it before it gets to far and we lay back in bed and eat the food that brought in and we cuddle up and watch hockey videos. Mitch is watching the video and he tears up and I look at him and wipe his tears and says "Mitch you are a great hockey player and don't let Babcock tell you different. You changed out team in the best way possible" Mitch smiles and he wipes the rest of his tears and I smile at him and start to tickle him and he starts to giggle and squirm and the smile on his face grows and I smile back and stop tickling him and I admire the sweet creature that I fell in love with when he started playing for the leafs

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