"Agh! Claude stop!" Alois shrieked. He then gripped onto his butlers shirt in pain.

"Forgive me your highness," Claude said as he continued.

Claude noticed that his highness was in a lot of pain and although demons were not known to be caring or loving toward humans, Claude felt that considering his young master was still only a boy he felt that comforting him would be fair, after all he was there when Alois was suffering in the past. Claude watched as Alois held his bed sheets up to his mouth and bit down on them to deal with the stinging, still holding on tightly to Claude's shirt as he tended to the wound.

Claude placed his free hand on his masters to comfort him and watched as his master raised his head to look at Claude, the soft smile returning before more pain kicked in and Alois' smile once more turned into a pained expression as he was trying not to scream.

Once Claude finished he wrapped the bandage tightly around his masters waist to cover the wound and cleaned up.

"Claude," Alois said, his tone now more demanding, "bring me the phone."

"Yes your highness." Claude replied with a bow and left the room to retrieve the phone for Alois.

When Claude had left, Hannah walked in, ready to dress the young blonde and cautiously picked out Alois' normal attire, laying it out carefully along the bed and avoiding Alois' stare.

"Hannah," Alois said, staring at her with displeasure, " You stupid bitch-" Alois coughed, "get me the pants... Black ones" he finished, still coughing.

Hannah, knowing he was weak and in pain, walked over to him before obeying his order and hugged him, patting his back and trying to calm the coughing. Alois winced as he tried to move out of the embrace and elbowed her straight in what remained of her bandaged left eye causing her to move away and yelp.

"Get me the fucking pants you useless bitch." Alois said, as sternly and as loudly as he could manage.

Claude entered holding the bulky golden phone, while Hannah gathered the pants from Alois' wardrobe and put away his shorts. As Hannah cautiously buttoned Alois white shirt and green vest up, she helped him slide on the long black pants and then tied the ash coloured ribbon around his collar. Claude dismissed Hannah and handed Alois the phone with a bow.

"Hand me Ciel's number Claude." Alois said, wincing slightly as he shuffled toward the beds edge.

"Yes your highness." Claude obeyed, handing him a small piece of paper with Ciel's number written down on it.

Alois stared at the piece of paper, some excitement appearing on his face and he managed a soft smile as he dialled it. 'Why did this matter to me? Ciel almost killed me, so what is wrong with me?' Alois thought to himself, but couldn't help but softly smile when he thought of Ciel. 'What is this foreign feeling?' Alois thought, putting the phone up to his ear and awaiting an answer.

"Hello, this is the Phantomhive residence, can we help you?" A deep familiar voice answered. Sebastian.

"Hello its Count Trancy, is Earl Phantomhive free this afternoon?" Alois said.

"Ah, Alois is it? Please hold on while I make sure." Sebastian replied politely.

For what ever the reason, Alois decided he wanted to see Ciel again and so he waited for Sebastian's answer. The impatient blonde began tapping his feet on the edge of the bed until he heard Sebastian on the other end of the phone line once more.

"Count Trancy, it seems Earl Phantomhive is free this afternoon and as per usual I will be accompanying him. What time shall we arrive?" Sebastian said calmly.

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