VIII - Yesterday and Today at Loggerheads

Start from the beginning

"Chotte, but be careful. Share and play." Ratna told her son who by then walked to her parents and took their blessings.

"No problem Bua, Arnav Bhai and I will play together." Aakash smiled at his aunt kindly. And before anyone could get another word out, both of them ran away too excited to listen to anyone anymore.

One week passed with Ratna, Anjali and Arnav coming to Delhi for their holidays and the kids couldn't be any happier. But the only damper on their mood was their mother who looked more lost than usual among them. But both being kids were easily distracted from the turmoil with assorted toys at their beck.

And then came a night they dreaded never to happen when the whole family woke up due to shrieks and shouts coming from the living room. Kids came down rubbing their sleepy eyes while the elders already present stood tensed.

"Ratna, listen to me." Devayani tried to calm her daughter as she noticed the gathering of family and even kids who stood confused.

"You heard what Babuji is saying Amma?"

"And I'm saying nothing wrong."

"You're accusing my husband, Babuji. How can you do that?" Ratna shrieked rampantly.

"Because he is no good to you." Her father tried to make her understand. "Mistake was ours when we tied you to him. Not even trying to find out what kind of a lad he is just because his mother was a friend of your mother's. And today I regret doing it."

"How can you say this about my husband, Babuji?" Ratna gasped mortified at her father's accusations. Devayani could do nothing but be devastated seeing the rift between the daughter and father.

"Didi, just listen to Babuji once. He's saying it for your betterment." Manohar tried to intervene but only had to shiver down at the glare of his sister.

"So now everyone here are against me." She looked from her father's face to mother's then her brother's and sister-in-law's. No face convinced her that they are with her. And that hurt Ratna. Her madness for her husband made her blind towards the affection and caution her family tried to show her. "Then I don't think I'm anymore welcome here."

Gasps broke out as Devayani finally stepped forward to stop her daughter. She can see where this is leading to. And knowing the headstrong behaviour of her daughter, she can vow that once Ratna determines herself to do something then she would hear none. But before Devayani could speak her husband bet her to it.

"We never said you aren't welcome here, child. You're a Raizada, you can always come. You will always be welcome here. But without your toxic husband." He kept his stand clear.

"Then this would be the last time you will be seeing Ratna Mallik." She declared defiantly as she looked straight into her father's eyes. "Arnav, Anjali, go and pack your bags. We are leaving back to Lucknow."

"Hello hi, but Didi, listen, it's late in the night and with kids.." Manorama trailed off seeing the deathly glare of Ratna on her.

"It's better you don't speak between us. Just because you married my brother doesn't make you qualified enough to give suggestions to me." Ratna's hate filled words startled everyone standing in the room while Manorama just bent her head with tears in her eyes.

"Manorama! Don't bother speaking to those who are not worthy of taking any good advice's. And there standing before me is not Ratna Raizada but Ratna Mallik. As if the name itself is a curse. I just hope my grandchildren don't turn out like this." The patriarch spoke in a strained voice. On one side he had to see and hear his daughter speak venom while the other side he has to fight for his family against his own blood. "And Manorama, you're the daughter-in-law of the house. So you have the right to speak in whatever matter that concerns us as our family. If the others agree or not agree to it." He cleared without averting his eyes from his daughter.

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