Chapter 1 - A New Realm

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Hi! My name is Lavender Ace, I come from the Flower Realm, more specifically the Lavender Realm. My parents named me after the realm because I was special enough to be the child to have the most purple in my hair even than the guardian of the realm! The guardian, Lilac Reed, is probably my favorite person of all times, not that my parents aren't but she'd always play with me, do fun activities with me, and even let me into her duties. My friend, Levi Rosa, he's the best, his parents run the most famous restaurants in the whole realm! He'd even invite me to come over and eat with my family for free! What kind of friend could you ask for more? Sometimes I'd wish not to have this much of love because I felt bad for all the others who's been treated unfairly or abused. Other than that, I was curious about the other realms, especially the Night Realm. I pictured the Night Realm as a always night time type scenario, and that there would be a lot of mysterious things I would love to explore. Little did I know, the Night Realm was attached to the Dark Realm..


I am now 16 years old and I am allowed to explore on my own. I was warned that I should not go into forbidden places such as the Dark Forest, the Witch's Lair, and yeah. I always wanted to go but there was a guard at the entrance of the forbidden place, I had to find a way to go into the Realms Forest without anyone noticing. That night, I wore in all black, packed some things just in case, and fled. The guards were still there, I had to figure out something to distract them. I exactly knew what to do, I picked up my smoke bomb, and threw it at them. It exploded with a big poof, and I ran as fast as I could into the forest. I stop after a few seconds, looked around and made sure no one followed or heard me. I was safe, for now at least. I found the cave entrance, it was labeled "FORBIDDEN REALM CAVE", I ran inside, I don't know why. I guess I was excited but scared a little, where could this possibly lead me to? The rock closed the entrance, it was pitch black, I didn't make a noise. I was grabbed by something and pulled into a realm, it had felt like I was going through a time machine.. but suddenly..


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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