Why I am depressed.

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The reason I am depressed is because... We'll I love you guys and I want to trust y'all but I don't want your pity. So please listen and pray for all the people you love the most. Tell them you love them everyday because you don't know when it could be the last time you see them.
Okay, first off this is already handled by CPS and the police so don't come at me with a thousand questions stating that I should call the cops, because that already happened. Okay, so my father is probably going to go to prison.. for a long time if the judge says so.. okay so in the beginning my dad has always been a abusive person. My mom had me a sixteen and that's when everything started to go down hill. Oh my, Christ.. this is going to turn in to my whole f–ing life story lol. Anyway, after my little brother was born two years later, that's when my dad got abusive and he drank a lot of alcohol. He never got me or my brother because he knew I would hit him back, even though I was only 2 I knew hitting women was wrong. (Unless they hit you first.) He almost killed her several times. When my youngest brother was born, my dad didn't care. When my brother started talking and was able to walk, he started acting like my dad. He would hit, punch, cuss at you, called me a “whore” and my mom a “ugly bitch”. Soon, my mom kidded my dad out of the house. Soon after that, me and my brothers were able to see him again. He had a new girlfriend. I didn't like it. My mom got new BOYFRIENDS... Plural. I hated it, I blamed myself for my parents splitting up. No one knew I started cutting. I just wanted the pain to go away. I wanted it to end. ( BTW I stopped cutting because of the people I know hang out will, shout–out to my best friend @mishasnovak ). I didn't want to see my dad so I could my mom is didn't want to go, so she didn't fo me me to. He wasn't paying child support so I legally didn't have to go. I was sitting on the couch, waiting for my mom to come back out from saying goodbye to her son's. But once my dad noticed I wasn't going to stay, he got furious. He ripped my mother's shirt, smashed her phone. I started to panic and I took my brothers out of the house and to the car. I ran back inside to get my mother, and once I saw my dad on her, screaming and yelling, I knew I had to get my mom out of there or he was going to kill going to kill her. I fought and finally got her away from him. I got a busted lip and a broken nose on the process but it was worth it. My mom was safe and I knew my brothers were too. This happened 2 years ago and my dad barely got into trouble. I was angry. At myself. At my mom. At my dad. At the cops. And at the
world. This happened Sunday, February 3, 2019. I was telling my brother to get his goddamn pants on but he wouldn't listen to me. I yelled at him and then my dad came out of his room with a belt. I was terrified. He grabbed my baby brother and threw him to the ground. Like he was nothing. Then he started to beat him with the belt. Leaving cuts and bruises. I did so anything to stop it. I let it happen. A few hours later my older stepbrother noticed my baby brother had a lot of cuts and bruises on him. I told him what happened and he just nodded. And walked away. When we got home I told my brother to take his pants off and show my mom (It sounds weird I did say that..) and but once he showed her, my mom called the police. Now everything is so... Let's just say I feel so bad for letting my baby brother go through that. When I saw him in jail, I lean over and whispered "Burn. In. Hell." And my older yet youngest stepbrother, Zak whispered to me and said, "Savage."

So I hope y'all understand when I'm kinda gloomy and sad one day but the turn around and be happy and joyful the next.

  I love y'all my little demons and angels. Hope y'all have a wonderful week and LOVE YOUR GODDAMN FAMILIES OF ILL EAT YOUR GRANDMA! As the Canadians say; Peace uut!

  ( P.S. if any of y'all want to talk, you know all you have to do is hit send message and... I'll answer. Most of the time. Bye my sweet demons😈 and 👼angels. )

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