Chapter 1: The News

Start from the beginning

"Ahh" My father said as we walked out of the temple "There's nothing like a slaughter to work up a big appetite. Am I right?" My father looked at my brothers who were talking about the small details of the slaughter. After a while, we returned to the palace for some lunch. We all sat down at our extravagant, gold table and we were served drinks and lunch. Just like always, mother and I chose juice while my father and brothers choose beer. "My lord" Markata came in holding a scroll tied with a fancy red ribbon. He bowed before as my father took the scroll and begun to read the scroll. He read aloud matters such as how the construction for a statue in his honor is all going according to plan. After he read aloud the scroll, he rolled it back up and tied the ribbon back around it. "Oh and one more thing your highness" He said as he gave the scroll to one of the servants to put in the royal archives. "We received word from the royals of the South and all of the preparations have been made and they are ready for your journey to their lands, your highness" He said as he bowed to my father and handed him a piece of paper that he had hidden in his sleeve. "Excellent news Markata. That will be all" my father said as he grabbed the piece of paper and begun to read the details to himself. "Father" I said as I wiped my hands on my cloth napkin. "Why are you going to the South?" I said as I picked up my drink and begun to sip from the glass. "Not just me Irissia. You and your mother are coming with me. I have arranged for you to marry the prince of the South to rectify the union of our two lands" He said proudly as he held his glass up for a refill. I tried to hold my drink in my hand and tried not to spit it out. "An arranged marriage?! Why did you not tell me earlier?!" I exclaimed to my father who seemed quite pleased. "Because I knew that you would detest it and I really do not care about how you feel about it. It is ancient tradition and the plans have already been made. You are going to marry the prince of the South and that's final. We leave tomorrow afternoon after our daily outing to the city where you can say your goodbyes. We will get there that night and we will address the royal family the next morning" My father angrily explained to me as he finished his food and took a few more sips of his beer. After we were finished eating the servants came out to clear the table and whisked away our plates, silverware, cups and dirty napkins into the kitchen and wherever else to be cleaned and put away.

After washing up our hands and faces from lunch, we jumped into our royal chariot for a tour of the city while being surrounded by bodyguards. As we entered the city, crowds of Egyptians gathered in the streets to catch sight of their divine rulers. "Anuktata" I whispered to try to get her attention. She was enjoying the scenery and being able to get out and away from the palace. "Anuktata!" I whispered a little louder. "Your highness. Everything alright?" She replied. "Yes, everything is fine. Can you please go to the river and check to see if he replied yet?" I asked her as I whispered while trying not to let anyone else know. "Of course your highness" She said with a smile and a chuckle before leaving. "Thank you" I whispered a little louder hoping she heard it as she was leaving.

We ended up visiting some construction sites where magnificent new buildings were being constructed in my father's honor. While my father and brothers were overlooking the construction, I said my goodbyes to the citizens that I knew and the children that I got to watch grow up.

Back at the palace, I finally got a break from being surrounded by people and my family. I ordered the servants to help me change into something more loose fitting and comfortable. I sat down at my desk gazing at the sky. "Your highness. I have something for you" I heard Anuktata say. She handed me a green stained glass bottle with a rock tied to the bottom and a papyrus reed tied to the top. "Thank you very much Anuktata" I said excitedly as I took the bottle and opened it to reveal a small scroll inside. I took out the scroll and begun reading it. I couldn't help but feel elated whenever I received a reply from him. After I finished reading the paper inside the bottle, I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear and twirl around the room. I grabbed Anuktata's hands and twirled with her. "Oh my! Your highness!" Anuktata said as I couldn't help but giggle and grin. I stopped twirling and rushed over to my desk. I took out a piece of paper and my writing utensil to begin writing my reply back. I paused. "Oh my Rah" I put my writing utensil down and put my hands on my head. I sunk down in my chair. "Everything alright your highness?" Anuktata questioned me as she helped me to sit up in my chair like a proper princess should. "No" I said as I began to tear up. "I may never be able to see him again" I stood up and walked out onto my balcony. Anuktata followed me. "Your highness? What is the matter? You'll never be able to see who again?" She asked me as she walked out onto the balcony and stood beside me. I took a deep breath and begun to explain who 'HE' was. "When I was little, do you remember when I told you about the time I snuck away from my parents and how I met a boy by the Nile?" I asked her and she nodded. "Ever since that day, we have been communicating with this bottle and paper" I sighed and leaned against the railing. "I... I think that I may be in love with him. And now that I am being forced to marry someone else and I may never be able to see him again" I put my head down and shead a few tears. I glanced over at Anuktata who was starting to shed tears of her own. "Oh your highness!" She said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Don't lose hope! He lives in the region doesn't he? I could possibly help you to sneak out during the night so you can see him" She said excitedly as she grabbed my hand and was pulling me inside and to my desk. "Anuktata, you are a genius! What would I do without you?!" I said excitedly as I gave her a big hug. I sat down at my desk and began to write my reply. After I was done, I put my reply into the bottle and replaced the lid on it. "Hurry now Anuktata! If you get it into the water tonight, he may receive it in the morning! Now go! Go!" I handed her the bottle and she hid it in her tunic and rushed out of the room and to the water. After that disappointment and excitement, I was finally able to be alone and wander through beautiful gardens which my mother designed. After wandering the gardens and taking a break to go eat dinner with my family one last time before I marry a man I never met.

Dinner was mostly quiet. Only the sound of my brothers inhaling their meat, chugging down their beer, and ordering their servants to get them another refill of beer could be heard. Suddenly, my father cleared his throat. "Daughter." He said sternly as he wiped his mouth on his cloth napkin. I looked up at him. "All of your things are being transported and set up for you at the palace for our arrival tomorrow." I looked down at my plate. "Thank you father" I said in a quiet voice. After dinner, we all returned to the temple for the ceremony that marks the setting of the sun and the end of the day. After the ceremony, my family and I returned to the palace and retired to our rooms for bed. I was undressed, cleaned up and then dressed for bed. Once I was in bed, the servants set up their beds beside mine and as I lay awake in bed, I couldn't help but think about tomorrow and the days to follow.

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