Chapter 1 : Meeting Engineer (edited)

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Ruby's POV 

I woke up from the dream that I always have, well actually it was more of a nightmare since it was when I was battling Salem for the final time. Anyways  after I got my bearings on knowing where I am, I went outside of my cozy little home that I made out of Atlesian scrap metal that somehow winded up here in a nearby town called Teufort which was in New Mexico. If you're a bit confused let me explain. Well  it's because 2 years later after the war  everyone in Remnant was trying  to repair what Salem and her grimm had damaged, but the problem was that we didn't have enough material to repair. So Ironwood told everyone that it was time for them to know the truth and for the huntsmen and huntresses to be dismissed from their duties. 

By that he meant we were considered war heroes and as rewards for saving Remnant. Team RWBY, RNJR, and SSSN were the first ones to venture out of Remnant to start new lives into what we call it the new world. I was 23 at the time when me and everyone I fought alongside with were saying our goodbyes to one another before we left. I still remember Yang giving me a hug with one while she was holding Sage Jr with her metal one, and telling me"Ruby now that it's all over. What are you going do to now?" I always keep thinking about that question ever since she asked me that, but since then we always stayed in contact. 

    After I said my farewells to everyone else I took a ship that was run by an old captain. Blake told me to give him her thanks for taking her. I didn't know why , but I did anyway. After I got off I realized that the people there were dressed differently. As I got off the ship I pull my hood up so they wouldn't recognize me as I walked down the harbor and after that the rest was history. 

   I've been living in the hot desert for 5 years now. I'm 28 now years old and so far there are no beowolves here. If you're also wondering it might be because , well I may have seen some beowolves (And other grimm) every now and then trying to come and attack that town that I'm living at nearby. So I'm kinda like taking care of the problem(Without being seen of course).  Hey don't look at me like that I'm not a huntress anymore I'm a veteran huntress or huntress veteran. Anyways after I looked through crescent rose in rifle mode with my left eye.  

I went back inside and looked at some of the blueprints of the weapons of my friends to be one them being is Yang's Ember Celica (The bracelet version not the metal arm version) . I tried not to tear up thinking about my friends and my family , but it's so hard sometimes when you have little to no scroll communication out here in the desert or badlands. Either way it's bad and whenever I go into town to get something to eat or restock on supplies I always get weird looks from guys that I pass by walking when I go to restock on some materials at a shop there.     

"Maybe it's because they're so used to seeing women wearing skirts often there instead of pants" I thought as I walked towards the kitchen that I built out of leftover Atlas military battle ships. As a matter of fact my entire house is made out of leftover Atlas military tech. I've even changed from what I usually wear over the years from when I was 16. 

     Instead of wearing a skirt ,I'm currently wearing a pair of khaki brown cargo pants that cover up my black and red knee-high combat boots (Although I occasionally wear shorts if it gets too hot ) . Also instead of a black blouse with a black corset, I now just wear a black tank top. I stopped wearing a corset when I turned 20 because I wanted to change my style a bit. I also wear black dyed bandages that are wrapped around the palms of my hands up to my elbows, because after so many years of receiving bite and scratch marks. That even aura can't fix I decided to cover them up.  

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