"No, that's all thank you" she said and took my hand, pulling me upstairs with her. I followed her with no complaints all the way to her bedroom.

I always liked Clair's room. It's so light and open and she has a ton of things in there. She is not messy and this is something I like about her, she likes her things to be organized and clean.

We spent all morning locked in her room listening to music and sometimes singing the songs we knew. We laughed and painted our nails and did our hair. We always like trying different haircuts, but we stayed at french tails and fish tails. Playing it safe.

"I'm hungry" I told her with my puppy dog eyes, "Okay sweetie let's feed you" she said and took my hand and went straight to her kitchen. Daniel and Clair's brother, Luc was also in the kitchen, they were trying to make sandwiches and let me tell you, the kitchen was a total mess. "What have you done?" Clair screamed at her brother, they both stayed still and looked innocently at her while she was burning with anger.
"They were trying to make something to eat, isn't it obvious?" I asked her, "Let me help you guys" I said and walked over to them. Luc murmured  a thank you to me and Daniel just smiled at me with that great and sexy smile he has.

I made them both a sandwich and then I made one for me and one for Clair. We all sat down at the kitchen table and ate our sandwiches, "At least Cathy knows how to cook" Luc said while looking at her sister. Clair had always a problem with the kitchen and that's why she was not allowed to go near that room much like her brother. "Clair knows how to cook too" I said with voice bearly loud enough, "I don't think so" Luc said and Daniel chuckled.

Clair and Luc started fighting and talk back to each other while I was just looking at them slightly amused. "How are you" Daniel suddenly asked me, "Fine" I whispered and smiled at him, "You sure?" he asked again, "Yes, don't worry" I said.

"I can't just not to worry. I am worried" he said, "Why?" I asked him, "Because-" he started saying, but Luc cut him off, "Come on man, I can't listen to my sister anymore" he said and walked out of the room, Daniel looked at me and took my hand which was on the table and kissed it, never break eye contact with me. "We're going to have fun at this sleepover" he said and left the kitchen.

I stayed there frozen at my place. "Still believe he doesn't like you?" Clair asked me. We cleaned the kitchen and went back to her room, there we talked about the way Daniel kissed my hand. Actually Clair was talking, I was nodding still lost in my own train of thoughts. 

At night Clair dragged me to the living room to watch a movie, the boys were still there watching a thriller.
"You can't be serious" Clair asked Luc, "We want to watch a movie" Clair whined and Luc rolled his eyes, "Watch this movie with us" Daniel said and Clair pretend to be thinking about it, "Okay" she finally said and walked to the big armchair and sat down while I was left to sit at the only free seat next to Daniel. 

I sat next to him trying not to disturb him as I tried to pay attention to the film. I always hated thrillers, it was hard for me to sleep at night, but this time I couldn't complain since we had company.
"I'm going to bring your blanket" Clair told me and run upstairs, she came back faster than the wind and gave me my blanket. "What do you need a blanket for its not even cold outside?" Luc asked me, but Clair was the one to reply for me. "She hates those kind of movies and her blanket makes it slightly better".

I just nodded and spread my blanket so it was covering my bare legs. I was wearing a pajamas short and a top, "Can we share it?" Daniel asked me, "Yes, of course" I told him and opened my blanket wider. 

I was watching the movie with wide eyes and I was scared as hell, it was terrifying and Clair didn't seem to mind at all. I was watching the killer walking slowly until he was behind a girl and with a quick movement the girl was dead. With that I closed my eyes and hid myself at Daniel's shoulder out od instinct. 

When realisation hit me Daniel had already put his arm around me and he was rubbing my arm slowly to sooth me. I raised my head a little bit and I saw him still watching the film, suddenly he turned and smiled at. He kissed my forehead and said "The movie ends soon".

I made myself comfortable closer to Daniel and he put the blanket over me. His hand was still around me shoulder as I was drifting off to sleep, I tried to stay awake, but my eyes wanted to be shut. "It's okay sleep" he whispered to me and I nodded already losing myself to sleep. Within minutes I was fast asleep, suddenly I felt two arms holding me tighter and whisper. "Where should I take her?" a male voice asked, "I don't know" another replied, "Take your sister to her room and I will sleep with Cathy" the male voice said, "Dirty time?" another asked, "You know I would never do that" the male voice said, "Yes, but not that you don't want to" the other said. "I want to, that's why I want to take it slow, maybe she will like me back one day" the male said.

"Daniel, Cathy likes you already and you are her mate, there is no other perfect man for her than you" . So, that was Luc and Daniel talking, Daniel likes me? And what the hell is a mate?

"Let's just take them upstairs" Daniel said. I didn't hear anything else, the only thing I felt was a something soft touching my back and I knew it was a bed. "Goodnight, baby" I heard Daniel whisper followed by a kiss on my forehead. 

After that I was lost in my sleep phase, or is it a dream now?

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