The Hunt

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Zorroku and Peaches

Part 2

"Of course." Crowthu agreed.

"Thank you." You murmured softly.

You were quiet for what felt like a long while until you just couldn't take the silence between you and Crowthu anymore. Because his sons continued to talk amongst themselves in their own native tongue and you just could not make out what they were saying and it was driving you insane.

"May I ask, what are the great conquests of The Great Thunder Herd Clan?" You asked bravely, trying to stay on Crowthu's good side. I

If he could brag and boast about his clan's achievements, maybe you could work your way to their traditions and intricacies, so you wouldn't get blindsided by those when you got there. However far away it was. Because no one was sure where the Thunder Herd Clan's lands were exactly.

You could practically feel Crowthu's proud smile which made you smile softly to yourself. He took a deep breath and seemed to sit a little straighter and began to tell you all the great tales. Which sounded half- if not mostly- myth to you. But you listened closely for any telling details.

And while you did not turn to see his sons flanking him on the trail in the woods, you were aware of how close they were. Just by seeing the heads of their horses heads in your peripheral vision. Zorroku flanked his father on the right. And his youngest son flanked on the left. And with the rest following behind their father, you had no idea what they were doing. You could only imagine they were laying waste to those peaches. Which they seemed particularly keen on. And had taken the whole fucking crop from the trees. The whole crop filled giant bushel baskets full on the carts and on the ruck sacks on the horses.

You were hoping they would save the pits so you could plant them to make new trees. You had said as such and repeated that a few times. But you didn't think they were heeding your words at all, and for that you hoped they'd break their stupid teeth and tusks on the pits or eat the cyanide laced seed inside the stone of the peach themselves. You could vaguely hear them talking to each other in their own native dialect of the Thunder Herd Clan which was apparently Pregu, according to Crowthu. Which you would have to learn as soon as possible for your own sake.

Then Crowthu turned to telling you actual history of his family line and this you paid keen attention to. All clans seemed to be connected in one way or another to all others. And the more you could figure out the way the Thunder Herd Clan fit into the fabric of orc-dom, the better. But key details about his current wife and Clan Chieftess helped you to realize how small the world could be. It didn't seem like Crowthu seemed to realize who his wife really was, which wasn't surprising to you.

Most male orcs only cared about their paternal lineage. And only seemed to care if their orcish wives were fierce in battle, or gifted in something that supported battle. Or beautiful or gave them many sons, usually anyway. Otherwise a wife's lineage was never important unless she was a recognized daughter of a warchief. Which considering daughters were rarely recognized, if at all. And if they were, it was because they did something extraordinary. Like battle just as good if not better than their brothers. Or made such spectacular armor or weapons that it had saved their male counterparts point blank on several occasions. But even then, their accomplishments got downplayed by the male members of their family. It wasn't fair but it was just the way things were.

"So what are the great traditions of the Great Thunder Herd Clan?" You asked next, not sure why you kept putting 'great' in front of the clan name. But you were just trying to play flattery in order to glean actual viable information. Especially when he seemed to be done telling you of the conquests and history. And the answer to your latest question meant you listened extra closely to all of the traditions which would be the borders of your life from then on.

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