A special chapter

Start from the beginning

Dronacharya. Teacher of pandavas and kouravas.

 Teacher of pandavas and kouravas

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Aswasthama. Son of dronacharya. Friend of kouravas.

 Friend of kouravas

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Duryadhana. Eldest kourava.

 Eldest kourava

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Dishasan. Second kourav.

 Second kourav

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Yudhistir. Eldest in both pandavas as well as kouravas.

 Eldest in both pandavas as well as kouravas

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Bheem. Second pandavas. Known for his physical strength.

 Known for his physical strength

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Arjun. Third pandav. Known for being the great Archer and an amazing worrior.

 Known for being the great Archer and an amazing worrior

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Nakul. 4th pandav. Being a great charioteer and sword fighter. Known for his beauty. Consider as the most handsome man of his time.

 Consider as the most handsome man of his time

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Sahadev. Last pandav. Known for his knowledge and foresight.


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Karn. Hidden son of kunti. Always compitative to Arjun. As he was a great Archer too.

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