Chapter 2

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I always thought that all church was was where you go and memorize things and smile at everyone and talk about one guy who's always been and always will be better than me. You know just say what you need to say out on a smile. I wore a mask.

I think this just goes to my past because the minuet my dad and mom got out of church they went back to everything else (more dad than mom nowadays). So I thought that's what people just did. Now I realize, it's not good. I mean you can do it, but God can always see under the mask.

I'm gonna ask you a series of questions. Are you afraid that your school friends or co workers will collide with your church friends and it stresses you? the minuets you get out of church, do you just forget God exists and go about the rest of your week until the next Sunday to put on your mask again? Do you pray to God? Do you crave every word He says? Do you want to know as much about Him as you can? Do you hunger God? Or do you just go about your life doing what you think you need to do and then when you die expect to go to heaven? I can't judge you, that's not my job. I can only give you advice. This is my advice for this chapter: God saved you, put God in all parts of your world because its so much easier to be yourself with God than to wear a bunch of masks. I know I wear masks sometimes too and I'm working on it too so you guys aren't by yourselves I'm there too.

To be honest I made a new account just for this because my other book is not a clean book and I feel ashamed of it even though its "entertaining" I'm not proud of it and I didn't want to 1sound like a hippo and 2shame the name of God because its important to me. More important than any book but I promised myself I would

finish it so I am going to.








(All of these people r my friends in real life and all of them go to school with me)

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