Sanguis Luna

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Being the sister of Lucio was never easy. Especially the night of his death. She remembered it well. Laying in the cold frozen cell wasn't her favorite part of the entire ordeal but knowing Muriel was safe made it worth the hunger and exhaustion. Her hand rested over her crossed legs and head was held high. Sanguis Luna's back was straight and her weapons allowed her to feel lighter than before. Julian was in the cage beside her which was bearable to an extent. His long obnoxious chatter was mind straining but her patients was strong. Foot beats met the females ears as she sat there. Opening her eyes gently Sanguis Luna noticed her brother standing in the cell door way with a strange look on his face. She placed her hands beside her and rose to her feet. Her eyes followed up and down her brother before she stepped closer.

"Monty. What has happened?" She asked gently. He jerked his head away muttering beneath his breath quickly making it inaudible. Sanguis Luna stepped closer but was shoved back. She stumbled nearly falling but gaining herself with ease. Panic sat in Lucio's eyes as he stare down his sister. She was smaller than him but held a strong appearance that made any man quicer slightly. Lucio shook as he watched her panting like a mad man.

"Lucio let me help you. Leave Sanguis Luna out of this." Julian said darkly. Sanguis Luna looked to the male as he hung over the bars. Lucio ignored him and then yanked his sister through the door shoving her down the hall. She stumbled yet again but Julian caught her through the bars placing her to her feet. She held onto him slightly as her brother shook more and groaned. He was evidently loosing his mind as he stood there and it caused Sanguis Luna's body to tense and her to reach of a sharp lions fang hanging from her side.

"What has happened to him Ilya? He's acting strange." Sanguis Luna asked watching her brother closely. Julian held onto her pulling her closer to the bars as if wanting to protect her but being locked up prevented him to do so. This was all he could do.

"The Plague causes them to lose any trace of sanity or humanity left in them. He's officially lost it." A gurgling sound echoed out as Lucio stepped closer clutching his head. No point in running. Lucio though weaker than Sanguis Luna was faster than her. She had no chance but to speak with him.

"Monty. Don't give in. IIya is working for a cure but you must stay sane. Yo-"

"SHUT UP!!" Cried Lucio. His sister stepped back clutching her lions fang closer. There was no hope. He was far too gone. A large growl echoed out and he screamed lunging for his sister.

"Sanguis Luna!!" Julian cried. She ducked and threw her shoulder into Lucio's chest. He fell back coughing with saliva running from his chin. Sanguis Luna was punched in her stomach but she held her ground as she forced her shoulder yet again into her brother's chest. He fell to the ground where his leg shot out tripping her. The fall was harsh but the roll she forced her body to do was harder. When on one knee she was kicked in the chest. Lucio screamed and forced her down with his knee. The lions fang fell out from her grasp as she lay there helpless. Air was being forced from her body as she gasped for breath but to no avail could she breathe. Finally her eyes began to roll but her brother stepped off. He looked down as she coughed hard. His eyes fell to his hands before looking to the lions fang. Lucio leaned down picked it up and held it close. Sanguis Luna stood to her knees but couldn't move. It was painful to even breathe much less stand. Lucio walked to her and fell to his knees. Taking her shaking hands he placed them around the fang and held it to his chest. Sanguis Luna looked to her brother as he sit there. There was no choice but to allow this to happen. So with a set jaw Lucio gripped her hands and smiled softly.

"Do it." He said.

"For our parents. Our people. Our Kingdom." Sanguis Luna watched in horror as a tear fell from his beautiful silver and red eyes. He smiled one last time before the fang was plummeted to his chest by his and his sisters hand. Never again did he smile. No. He fell into her arms as she sat there shocked tears brimming the edges of her golden eyes. Her heart pounded deeply in her chest as Julian watched in horror at the scene before him. Lucio lay on his sister dead. His blood seeping around the lion's fang and into the cupped hands of Sanguis Luna. Her face horror struck. Slowly she looked to Julian muttering one phrase. But not audible to the male. Before he could ask what she said her arms lifted her brother and she lugged him away. Later the fire started in the room and Sanguis Luna was never found. She ran from the castle as Julian was blamed for her actions. The issue was she never started the fire but left her brother dead in bed with his wound cleaned and fang in hand. No matter if she be caught or not she was never found. This day she still remains hidden from life as they know while her brother roam his once lively room and halls. He waits for her return. When she will finally see that he was the one who truly killed the Count. Himself. But that was all in vain. For she has never returned.

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