Chapter 2

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Chapter the 2nd – Sky Rim

Phil's POV

'NO!! What are you doing?? Kill it!' Dan screeched as I died for the 17th time in half an hour. 

'I'm sorry!' I squealed as he attacked me with flailing arms. I wrapped my own around my head and ducked, slipping off the couch with a thump.  He laughed and let me up. 'Had enough yet?' he asked, a sparkle in his eyes. I grinned and shook my head. 'NEVER!' I replied as I plunged once more into the world of Skyrim. He had helped me to set up my account and create my character (I chose one of those lizard things). I was really surprised about how much you could change.

I looked over at Dan and smiled. I'd always loved days like these, where Dan and I spent uncounted hours in front of the TV. Mostly I would be playing, with him screaming at me to jump higher, go back for the coins or just face-palming at my um... skills...

Dan's POV

I grinned at Phil's attempts at Skyrim. It felt so good to just be with him again, instead of snogging that fake barbie doll. I can't believe what I had been thinking. I sighed and shook my head, ridding my thoughts of her. No, today was about Phil, and I wouldn't let her take him from me again.

As Phil dived deeper and deeper into the game I became stiff from not moving. I glanced at the clock. 1 pm. Wow... we had been playing Skyrim since 9 am. I'm not usually an early riser... but Phil attacked me and tickled me into submission. After he squealed in my ears I knew I wasn't going to get back to sleep. I was a zombie for the first hour, but I knew what it meant to Phil, so I left the darkness of my room and went into the lounge.

Anyway, 1 pm. Time for lunch. I poked Phil and he jumped. He paused the game and frowned. 'I was just about to kill that stupid guard.' He whined, sticking out his lower lip. I chuckled and nudged him.

'You can play again later, but I need food.' I said, dragging him to his feet. He flashed me a smile and he skipped into the kitchen.

*Later that day*

'Jump, jump, JUMP!' I said, shaking Phil's arm violently. He jumped and hit the button, but he died again. I sighed and looked at him with small smile. He returned it and opened his mouth to say something as a crescendo of digital notes came from my pocket. I pulled out my sleek iPhone and looked at the screen. Rachel. I looked at Phil; his eyes were wide and wet, like tears would spill at any second. An idea popped into my head and I grinned at him. I quickly explained my plan and answered the phone.

Putting it on speaker, I handed it to Phil. 'Dannie?' asked the squeaky voice of Rachel. 'No, freaky Phil.' replied Phil with a soft smile. Her voice hardened. 'Oh. Where's Dan, Phil?' she demanded. 'Sorry, he's busy at the moment. I think he's in his room with Sophie... they told me not to disturb them.' I turned to Dan and bit my finger to stop myself from laughing. I heard her gasp. 'Who's this Sophie girl?' she said shrilly. I shrugged. 'Some girl he met last night. She's really nice actually, I think they hit it off...' she actually grunted. I began to laugh and Dan joined in. She Picked out his voice and squealed. 'Daniel Howell! I hate you!!' she screamed and hung up the phone.

Dan's POV

I rolled on the floor laughing, tears streaming down my face. Phil joined me, clutching his stomach. 'That was the best thing ever!' I said between bursts of laugher. He could only nod. I sat up and tried to put on a straight face, but met Phil's eyes and cracked up again. 'Thanks so much for that Phil.' I said. Phil grinned.

'No problem.' He replied. 

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