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She sat at her desk, kicking her legs happily as she packed her things back in her bag. As soon as she stood up, she stretched her body all around. Reaching into her pocket, she took her phone and checked her latest notifications.


I might be home late today, make yourself at home.

Actually, there is a chance I might be home by dinner.

Yet again, her father wouldn't be home. But it was alright, she was used to it. She exited the building and headed home, but on her way, she took a detour to the local supermarket.

" Nana-cahn! Welcome back!" a young teen greeted her with a smile.

She then hugged him. "Teddie! How's work?"

Teddie put one hand on his neck. "It's good, juuuuust boring. And tiring."

Nanako brushed his hair to the side. "It's alright! It'll pay off in the end!"

Teddie could definitely agree " How's your first year of highschool?"

" I hate math." Nanako simply stated. "Your lucky you don't even need to go to school Teddie!"

The two shared a moment of laughter. Then, the blonde teen's head bounced up as he remembered something.

"Nana-chan! We have a sale today please buy stuff!"

Nanako skipped along the aisle. "Of course! I'm making something special for dinner tonight! Dad might come home early enough for once."

Nanko didn't hate her father, not one bit. He was a detective after all and she was currently being trained to follow her father's footsteps by the Detective Prince herself. After the incident at the Amagi Inn, she decided she wanted to help the people in this way. In a way, she found something productive to do since she was home alone most of the time. After scanning the many shelves of Junes, she bought the ingredients she needed, Nanako headed home and went straight into the kitchen. The teen decided to cook now so by the time her father came around, dinner would be ready. Music from her phone played, despite the T.V being on in the background. After the hassle of cooking, she wiped the sweat from her forehead and put the food in the oven so it could stay warm.

Nanko let out a sigh of relief. " Well, I think I deserve a break." The second she took the remote in her hands, the second the door clicked and swung open. She turned her head to see who it was.

" Nanako!" a man's voice called.

Nanako ran towards the door. "Welcome home dad!" she took his jacket and hung it.

"Nanako I brought someone today." Dojima put his shoes and dusted his shirt.

Nanako stood there, waiting for the person to come. And he did. The person he brought was a young adult with unkempt black hair and gray eyes. His posture was slouched, he wore a typical black suit with a red. Nanako knew this person.

"Adachi-san!" she respectfully waved.

Adachi walked in and kicked his shoes off. "Hey there kid, you've grown pretty tall."

" Today was his release, I thought I might treat him to something other than a jail meal.'' Dojima chuckled, making his way to the dinner table.

Adachi ruffled the teen's hair as he took a seat at the table as well. " Well kid, what's for dinner?''

She took the plates out of the oven and placed them down. " Cabbage Nibitashi!"

It was if Adachi leaped for his plate because he chowed it down faster than anyone else. Everyone looked his way.

"Well, you did invite me sir."


After dinner, Dojima told Nanako that he would wash the dishes and if she wanted, she could go in her room. And so Nanako did, she didn't think that an adult like Adachi would want to be around Nanako, especially considering the fact that he tried killing her when she was six. The teen attended to her homework, with her earbuds occupying her. At times, Nanako would get distracted with her phone like anyone would, texting our old protagonist, Yu Narukami. Since they were apart and Nanako missed him so dearly, she would text him to stay in touch. He seemed to be living his life normally, not needing to use his super-natural powers at all. She hoped to see him once again someday. With all that being said, she closed her books and headed to bed. Then she opened her eyes once again, finding her room darker than she remembered.

"It's probably because it's the middle of the night." She told herself. "Yeah, that's it."

Nanako walked down the halls but saw an anonymous light coming from the bottom of what used to be Narukami's room. The curious teen opened the door to reveal the interior of a limousine. Right in front of her sat an old man with a long nose that had a point at the end. To his right was a rather young woman with curly blonde hair that reached her shoulders. Before Nanako could say a word, the old man spoke.

" Oh my! It seems you have a most unusual destiny..."

The teen took a step back. "Who are ...?"

"My name is Igor." he said, lifting his head up." I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

The blonde woman looked over. " I shall accompany you on your travels. I am Margret."

Without hesitation, Igor continued to talk. " This is the realm found between dream and reality, mind and matter. Conscious and subconscious. Generally, those who have forged a contract can visit this room."

" But I didn't forge anything." Nanako stated.

" Perhaps such fate is awaiting you in the near future..." he gestured his hand.

" I wish you the best until our paths cross once more." Margaret said.

Their gazes returned to where they originally were and slowly, the door closed in front of her. She held her hand out, reaching for the air. "Wait!"

Then, feeling helpless, Nanako put her hand down and walked off. "I should probably look around."

The room looked to be illuminated in weird colors, red, blue, orange, green. With each step she took, she was shaking. It was all new to her, she didn't know what was going on. The teen turned around, hearing footsteps around her.

"W-who's there?" she called, still shaking.

Out from the shadows came what used to be a murderer. "Kid, why are you awake?"

She stood there, half of her was relieved but the other half was still scared. SAhe leaped towards him. "Adachi-san! Thank god you're awake!"

He stumbled backwards, trying to keep the weight on his chest up. " Whoa kid, what's gotten into you?"

"I woke up and walked to Big bro's old room. A-and there was two people, it looked like a limousine and there was an old man and and and-" Nanako ballbed on until Adachi put his hand up. He let out a sigh.

"I've heard enough."

Persona 4: Let's Go Nanako! [Discontinued,skip to last chapter for details]Where stories live. Discover now