Black Widows

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You probably think of the spider.

The all too well known red markings

And the fangs that carry a bite

That could easily hospitalize a human.

But these aren't spiders.

They do not have red markings.

They do not have fangs 

They do not bite.

But they could hospitalize a human.

They could kill a human.

Their faces are covered in a black cloth

Thin enough just so they can see – 

It's a traditional religious garb.

Young, too young;

Women - fifteen to nineteen years of age.


Their land oppressed by a sovereign nation.

Their husbands killed by the oppressors.

They are armed with bombs strapped to their chests

And are drugged to have the courage.

These are the black widows 

That aren't the spiders in your basement

Who weave intricate webs

And whose bites can do great harm.

These are women, armed with guns

That they don't know how to use.

Bombs strapped to their chests

Set off not by themselves

But by the person with the remote.

Sick of the suffering

And ready to kill, but not ready to die.

These are the black widows I know.

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