Ch. 1- Blood

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"Get up." A jab to the side caused Charles to jolt awake. His crystal blue eyes plucked open and he sat up, sighing. This was normal for him, so much torment and abuse. "Be in the hallows by nine thirty sharp." The much larger male said and slammed the metal door shut, leaving the small boy to himself. Only 12, and 2 years after his brother went missing, and his parents died from a stake to the heart and burned as they suffered, Charles had to deal with being alone by himself. No crying, no asking for anything, just sitting where told to, and being where told, when told. He learned the hard way of obedience in the early days of being here. 

What happened those two years ago, they were pretty tragic. Well, for the family, it was.. 


Charles has a brother, named Alucard. Both came from the Valentine family, a wealthy pureblood vampire family. Their mother, Zurie Valentine, was a loving, peaceful woman while their father, Draven Valentine, was a bit strict but laid back when it came to their sons. He was the mayor of their little town Ekateria. 8 peaceful years of happiness and contentment. At the beginning of the 9th year, though, it started to go downhill. The people of Ekateria were growing unhappy with the mayors reign, but no one knew why. He was doing the exact same as before.. so what was different? The family never knew, but nothing happened either.

One night on the tenth year, month of April, the vampiric family were enjoying a nice dinner. It was lightly raining outside, the sounds of the soft rain patting against the window caused there to be a peaceful ambiance. The cat laid on the mantle above the lit fireplace, a baby bat snuggled into the fur of the feline. It wasn't long until that meal was interrupted though, a soft knock being heard at the door. "Please.. help me.." A faint voice cried from the outside. Immediately, Charles was weary of it. "Mommy, don't answer it." He said quietly and she looked at him. "I.. I cant just leave them out there, honey..." Her intentions were good, obviously. So, she got up, and slowly opened the door. 

As expected, there was a little girl who looked hurt. "Oh darling!" She said and crouched, her long black hair and icey blue eyes scanned the childs body for any wounds. "What in the gods happened to you?" She asked softly, carefully lifting the girl up and carrying her inside. "I..I don't remember.." She weeped, rubbing her lilac eyes. Zurie used her healing abilities to slowly begin healing the scratches and puncture wounds on her arms and legs. "Are you hungry? Charles get her some of the leftovers on the stove." 

When he was in the kitchen, he heard a loud crash. "W-What was that sweetheart?" Zurie asked softly. "I-I don't know..." Charles looked to Alucard who nodded and came with him to innvestigate. "Someone broke a window..." Charles muttered. "Aww.. again?" Alucard asked and Charles simply laughed. "Wanna have a glass fight?" Alu suggested with a sly grin before he noticed the man behind his brother. "Ch-Charles watch out!" Alucard reached out to his brother and yanked him back as a blade swished by, ultimately hitting him in the arm. "Who are you?!" 

Draven came running in, only to be head to head with the figure. "Get to the living room!" Draven said and tackled the armed man down, the two brothers running back to the living room. "Mommy!" They yelled, clinging to their mother in fear. Were they gonna die? Who was that man? 

A few bumps and grunts here and there were heard, before total silence. "D-Daddy..?" Charles spoke softly, hoping that his dad would return through the door. "Draven honey.. are you alright..?" Footsteps followed Zurie's words, and a beaten up Draven walked through the door. "I-I'm fine.. just a scratch." The larger male weakly smiled before he stumbled and fell down to the floor. A spike protruded from his back, and his breathing was shallow. "Daddy!!" The boys both scrambled over to the male, crying and scared that their father was dying. The smell of burning wafted through the home suddenly, the boys looking around. "Mommy.. mommy im scared!" Alucard cried and went to turn back to go to his mother, but she was on the floor, blood rolling from her mouth. "M-...mommy?"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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