"I'm serious," John gritted out. He glanced down at the picture and the hatred in his eyes was vivid. "I need her dead by the next two months.

"Why two months? Can't stomach a week?" Ashton queried.

John shook his head no. "I've planned everything out, I just need you to execute it,"

Now completely intrigued, Ashton took it upon himself to grab a seat. "What you know about killing somebody the way I do? You only kill people on operating tables," Ashton scoffed.

"And you do it as a hobby," John fires back. "So are you interested?"

Running his fingers through his thick beard, Ashton contemplated the decision. "Depends," He breathed out. "What's in it for me?

"You can run your money through here. It'll all make sense on our financial records. If we just make up a few identities and a few records then soon enough you guys will be generating millions of clean money," He desperately tried to convince Ashton.

John knew that Ashton didn't run the pact alone. He had an accord with Anthony and Carson that he couldn't just forget about.

But John also knew that he would never be able to get through Anthony's tough skull and as for Carson, he'll shut it down before the thought could even come up.

Ashton was his last resort and by the way the conversation was taking place, things weren't going too good. "You just making my job riskier and more complicated," Ashton leaned back in his seat.

"I'll double your payment," John attempted to bargain.

"We three people not two," Ashton stated.

John glared at him. "Fine I'll triple it," He caved in.

Ashton smirked before nodding his head. "Look at that, you just moved your wife up to number one on my hit list," He chuckled.

John stares at him. He didn't understand how Ashton could be so lighthearted about killing someone. Swallowing down hardly, he extended his hand out to seal the deal with Ashton.

Ashton stood up eyeing John. He let out another amused laugh before smacking John's head. "Hurry up and have your people load up my whip, you still wastin' my time,"

John nodded his head.

He had now dived head first into the dark side.


Dieon was full of style and grace. Her beauty was almost captivating, and her talk was crazy. She was beyond bad and needed nothing from anyone provide for herself.

"You came to be my lawyer or my girl?" He asked her as the door was shut leaving only the both of them inside.

Dieon sighed. She had came without the briefcase hoping that would allude to him what time she was on. "Carson—"

"You look good," He interjected. "I'm shocked you ain't forget about me yet," He shrugged his shoulders.

Dieon rolled her eyes. "I tried," She stated bluntly. "Trust me, I did,"

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