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As I walk into class I relise something Horrifying...
I left my homework at home!!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I yell to myself..
Its the worst class too... mr.Rikers class.... the devil of the 7th grade... and I forgot my damn Math homework!
As he picks up his clipboard and walks around the dimly lit room filled with colorfull Posters, and motivational cat pictures.. the Lights seamed more dim then before skd getting darker, but I played it off as me getting nervous... As he walked up to my table, and checked everyone but me, the announcments clicked on.. I Silently pray, and thank gid for my few extra minutes before my ultimate death.. but then the princibles voiced kicked in. He sounded nervous..
"U-Uhm W-we Are N-Now Go-going into a H-hard lockdown.. Stay calm an-" he was then cut off by a sound of a distant gunshot and static... Ourteacher looked at me with a look that will be stoned in my face most likly unti I die.. which might be sooner then I thought.....
He then turned away and locked the door pulled down allbthe blinds and locked the door.. Some kids were crying some quiet, some hyperventilating.. me I just stared at the door.. everyone sat under the teachers desk.. which is actually stupid since thats the most common place to hide... so anyone who knows anything about shooting knows the kids hide their so if there is a shooter.. hed look there.. I needed to get out of there..

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